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NAME OF THE BOOK: Marvin Redpost kidnapped at birth
AUTHOR: Louis Sachar
GENRE: Fictional story
PUBLISHER: Bloomsbury publishing Plc
REVIEWED BY: Shriya Vadavalli


I got to know about this book while I was walking in the school Library. I tried to find a nice book I could read .So I picked this book and started reading it.

Marvin lives in a grey house with a white fence and one red post box. His hair is red and eyes are blue. He is also left-handed.image book review competition
‘’We're lucky to be left-handed’’ said Mrs. North. ‘‘It means we have royal blood.’’

One day, at school, while writing a report, Marvin realises that nothing adds up. His parents have brown hair and they have brown eyes, Can he really by Marvin Redpost? Or is he, in fact the lost son of the King of Shampoon - Prince Robert? Was he whisked away from the hospital at birth and are the Redposts really his kidnappers?

This was discussed with his friends Nick and Stuart, they were his best friends but the problem with them is they always use to fight with each other.

Then Marvin sets out to get things straight. There are a lot of good things to being a prince and it's all very tempting. He requests his mother to drop him at the place where he can get to check if he is really a prince or not .So he tried convincing his mother and she agrees. Marvin’s brother and sister laugh, but Marvin soon realises that the truth isn't all it's cracked up to be. He has the same blood group as the prince had so the next checkup was about to start but he missed his sister and family so he came back home.

THE MAIN CHARACTER: Marvin Redpost, the king and Mrs. North. Marvin because he was really important to the story without him the story wouldn’t of continued simultaneously. Without the king the problem wouldn’t have been there.

SETTING: Marvin’s house, prince checking place and school

OPINION: I felt the brother and sister were not required in the story. The story is really interesting .While I was reading the book I was curious to know what happened next. The heading of the book is really eye-catching too.

I recommend this for children 6 yrs and above.