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sparsh edition Apr2018

Stay Updated

I honestly think that the greatest achievement of my teenage life was learning to read the newspaper. Not the act of reading itself, but finally seeing the point. Eventually, understanding the benefit of losing ten minutes of sleep to read the headlines, or sleeping ten minutes late to finish reading the op-ed's. I now have a thirst for the catching up and staying in the loop, and a constant want to have a more informed and equipped perspective to life.Editorial01

This account is my introduction to the newspaper and my journey from only ever touching the newspaper to cover textbooks, to waiting for its arrival every single morning.

It begins with my twelve year old self absolutely refusing to read even the local gossip column of the newspaper because that is how much I detested it. It was, to me then, a hurdle I had to jump in order to get my mother to do my hair. It was just a nuisance to my morning routine and I wanted nothing to do with it.

I first interacted with them because of my mother’s insistence to be more "aware". But even then, my reading was limited to the daily comic section and even that was only to appease my mother. At that point, newspapers had absolutely no place in my life, they did not influence my grades or my interaction with my peers.

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Young Authors

Showcases some of our young writers and thier writing. At Manthan creative writing starts very early, while the first couple of years of Kindergarten is more to do with developing language skills of listening and speaking, from grade 1 the focus shifts to reading and writing. Children are encouraged to write at every point and they are given not just inspiration but various devices to structure and articulate their thoughts.

Poetic Minds

The poems published here are collected from regular class room assessments of the children done during the year. Its tough to do justice to all and pick the best from thousands of such works, the effort was more to present a sample of children's works rather that select the best. It still gives a glimpse into our young poets and how they use words to express their feelings, emotions and ideas.


In Spotlight our children interviewers interview various people at Manthan to understand what motivates them.

Inspiration Corner

Our Head of the Insitution, Ramakrishna Reddy shares the literary pieces that have inspired him over the years and that are of imense relevance to parents today.