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Name of the book/series: The wishing chair series
Author: Enid Blyton
Publication house: Egmont
Reviewed by: Marcela.J.F 4A

I was introduced to Enid Blyton by my mother and started reading simple books by Enid Blyton. As I grew I started reading series and finally came to know about The Wishing Chair.

It all starts when two children, Peter and Molly go to a shop where antiques are sold, to buy a gift for their mother’s birthday . In the shop they see a beautiful vase and ask the shopkeeper to wrap it in paper. As the man looks for some paper Molly notices a chair and sits down with Peter. Suddenly the chair grows wings and flies out the open door. This is the start of many adventures for Molly and Peter. On one of their adventures they meet a pixie, Chinky and together the three of them go on many more adventures on the wishing chair.

The author takes the reader through different lands of fantasy with gnomes, goblins and pixies.
The writing is so realistic that you feel that you are on the wishing chair with Peter, Molly and Chinky, exploring all the different lands.

I like the characters and the imagination of the author which embraces you.

I recommend this book for children of 7 years and above.