Spring Flowers

By: Tanishka Gupta, 3B
Spring is a beautiful season with the sun,
People love the gardens and to have fun;
All I have to do is to stare at the flowers,
And the gardens in England beside the towers;
The flowers always smile cold or hot,
Drinking a cup of tea from a pot;
Oh, I just love the mornings at spring,
The birds chirping as I wear my ring;
I hate the day when spring has to fade,
I love my friend when she wants to trade;
Blooming flowers how beautiful they are,
Beauty of the countryside near and far;
Spring is the season to sing a song,
As the huge bell rings ding dong!
All my friends love to talk,
And a calm nature walk;
All the colorful things I find,
Spring is so pleasant and kind;
Look at the sky above,
Let this season spread its love!