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By Sahana 6C

Margret and her slave lived in the trees,

For a troll, she was quite obese,

Ragged hair and eerie eyes,

Using magic to spread her lies.

One day she hatched a plan,

To marry the king and rule the land,

She would become the queen and enslave all,

And order her slaves to darn her shawls.

She said some words that sounded mumbles,

At once her appearance went from junglish,

To Lady Katrina and her moonlike face,

And of the troll? There wasn’t a trace.

She ran to the palace where she wed,

The king whose previous wife was dead.

Then she became heir to the throne

So she could rule the land as her own.

But she couldn’t escape the sharp eyes of Merlin.

He knew that the queen wasn’t, as she claimed, from Berlin.

He noticed what was amiss at once,

And made up his mind to catch the dunce.

Merlin used his own enchantment,

At once Margret lost her enhancement.

Back to being trollish with her eerie eyes,

The king had her flogged for all her lies.