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The Dinosaur Time

By Shivani, 5F

“You could check in the attic then,” Celia Muffin’s mom said. “I’m sure there are some musical tapes up there.” Celia, Josh Walnut and Dick Choco ran up the stairs to the attic. They started their search immediately.

“Hey… what is this?” Dick enquired excitedly. Celia and Josh ran to his side. “Hm… I wonder…” Josh murmured as he pressed the red button. Suddenly, the world wouldn’t stop spinning.

The children landed on soft soil beneath a huge tree. “Where are we?” Celia wondered out loud. “I don’t know, but this place looks really cool,” Josh commented.

Suddenly, a huge head poked out of the trees and looked down at them. The realization slowly kicked in. “Run! It’s a dinosaur!” Dick screamed. The kids ran and ran until they were sure they had lost the huge creature.

They tried to follow their footsteps and find their way back to the huge tree, but it was no use - they were completely lost. Celia’s thoughts wandered back to when her brother told her, “Stay safe, little sis. Have amazing adventures,” before he left for the navy. Celia wanted to sob in remembrance of her brother.

A loud roar cut through the silence of the forest. “It’s a T-Rex! Run!” Josh screamed at the top of his lungs in fear. They ran without stopping, not caring about which way they were heading. “There’s a time machine over there!” Celia, Josh and Dick hollered at the same time. The T-Rex was catching up to them. They ran faster and reached the time machine. Celia quickly pressed a blue button. The world started to spin once again.

“Woah!” Dick said with his eyes wide open.
“That…” Celia started.
“Was…” Josh continued.
“Amazing!” the three shouted together. They all clamoured together and excitedly chatted at the same time. They could not wait for another adventure. Unfortunately, they had to wait. The children ran downstairs.

“Did you find the tapes you were looking for?” Mrs. Muffin asked. The three shook their heads. They had found something bigger, better and even more beautiful.