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An in depth study of The Atmosphere
by Nikhil - 7A

The 3 ways of heat transfer:

Conduction: Conduction is the transfer of heat from one body to another with direct contact. Relating this to the atmosphere: The heat from the surface of

the Earth is passed on to the air above it with direct contact. Due to this, when a series of thermometers are mounted at different heights above the ground, a decrease in the temperature will be observed as the height increases.

Convection: Convection is the process in which direct heat is applied to the substance that is being heated. Relating this to the atmosphere: The sun heats the surface of the Earth in a process called radiation. The air that is near the surface gets heated and since it is less dense it rises and pushes the heavier, denser cold air downwards to occupy its space. After being pushed down, this cold air which comes in contact with the surface of the Earth, gets heated, rises, and the cycle continues. This cycle is known as the Convection Current.

Radiation: Radiation is the process in which energy is transmitted through waves or rays. Relating this to the atmosphere: As there is no matter between the Sun and any other planet in the Universe, including our planet-The Earth, heat can't be transferred through conduction or convection. But it can be transmitted through rays/waves. The Sun transmits waves in all directions due to which the atmosphere receives heat, and gets heated, and maintains temperatures making it possible for the Earth to sustain life.