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Interdependence on the Four Spheres
by Ishrat - 7A

Our Earth has four vital spheres: the Atmosphere, the Hydrosphere, the Lithosphere, and the Biosphere. The Atmosphere is the air around us; the Hydrosphere is all the water and water bodies in the Earth; the Lithosphere is the land we stand on; and the Biosphere is all the living organisms in Earth.

Without these four spheres we won't even be existing, because we are a part of the Biosphere. But did you know that the spheres are interdependent on

each other. Even if one sphere is non-existent, the other spheres wouldn't function, which would have an effect on the whole world, and in most cases, it would kill all of us. Here are a few examples of the interdependence between the spheres:

Without the Lithosphere, the Hydrosphere and Biosphere wouldn't have a place to stand on, and the Atmosphere won't form clouds as the atmosphere plays a major role in the hydrological cycle. Without the Lithosphere we won't have a place to stay, the farmers won't be able to make the crops we eat, and then we won't have the oxygen, shelter, and food we need for survival.

Plants need the Atmosphere, so they can turn carbon dioxide into oxygen, which we need to breath, without the oxygen we can't live. Plants also are dependent on the Hydrosphere, so that the they can grow healthy, and the humans and animals get good crops to feed on. Plants need the Lithosphere, so they can grow in the soil and get water and important minerals.

The Lithosphere needs the Hydrosphere, so that they can provide water and a fertile land for agricultural uses. These lands would make good crops, that humans and animals need to eat for survival.

The Biosphere need the Atmosphere to breath essential gases that is present in the Atmosphere, and humans are also dependent on the Biosphere (plants) to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.

These examples prove that the four spheres are dependent on each other, and without each other our world would be a mess, so if there is a small change due to global warming or any type of pollution in one of the spheres, it could lead to a big change in the world that could be potentially dangerous. Hence, we should prevent anything that could effect our plant in harmful means as it could lead to massive damages.