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Biomes and Forests
by Rishita

A Biome! What exactly is meant by ‘A Biome’? A Biome is a large, geographical region, consisting of distinctive plant and animal groups, created and maintained by the ‘climate’. While trekking in North America or Northern-most Russia, don’t be startled if you bump into the tall, Coniferous Forests that

leave you gazing. Evergreen Deciduous Forests are to be found near The UK, parts of Australia and South-East America. The lively Rainforests are embracing the Central American, Asian and African regions.

As we know it today, our dependency on forests is gradually increasing, but due to human impact, they are decreasing. A world without forests would be a world without life. Without forests, where are we going to obtain the life-living gas, Oxygen from??? Wildlife such as Monkeys, will lose their habitat, and thus will become endangered. Many medicinal herbs such as Pudina are found in forests. Major diseases have been cured by the usage of these. Crucial materials, required for making chairs, desks etc. are supplied from the forest (Timber). If there are no forests, The Earth will drop as droopy as a wilting flower. This indicates that most of our needs are addressed by forests.

As stated previously, forests play a vital role for the existence of life on Earth. Trees supply us with the correct amount of Oxygen. If it lacks, no life would be able to survive on the planet for long. Shelter, of the inhabitants of the forest, shall be eradicated and the wildlife will be in threat. Should any of these components wither away, life and existence would be no better than hell and biotic and animal life would be thoroughly affected.

Now it is our part to help restore the natural treasures of these forests and conserve them. Although not much alteration has begun in the bleak conditions of these beauties, many attempts are going on. The launches of movements and organizations such as ‘Greenpeace’ and ‘Chipko Movement’ have had positive outcomes. We are utilizing the forests for our well being, and consequently are held responsible for that of the forests.

Go Green!