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Double Luck!
by Jaahnavi - 4B

Once upon a time in Mohenjo-daro, one of the largest settlements of the ancient Indus valley civilization there used to live a man named Abdul. He was a very lazy man and didn’t like to work at all.

On the other hand, his wife Lakshmi was very active and earned money instead of Abdul for her children’s school fee, house rent, clothes, food, and other things essential for life. Lakshmi was a flower seller who sold lovely flowers from her garden.double luck

One day Lakshmi was quite fed up with Abdul and screamed at him, “ Abdul, I am working really hard for money, but per week I am only able to earn Rs.1000. This money is being used for the house rent.”

Abdul started thinking for a minute. He said, ”Idea.” “What! What’s your idea?”, said Lakshmi.

” Lets start an astrology shop!” ,said Abdul.

“ What! Are you crazy! You don’t know anything about astrology.”, said lakshmi.

“No! Lakshmi today night you go and tie a horse to a tree in the deep forest and come back fast, and after that go tell everyone you know that I have become an astrologer.”

The next morning the owner of the horse came and asked Abdul ,“ Where is my horse?”

Then Abdul told him where was the horse.

Then Abdul became a big baba and the king of Mohenjo-daro gave Abdul Rs.1,00,000