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Amit and Abhi (Humour)
by Rishabh - 4B

Harappa was the beautiful place in the Indus valley civilization, where people used to live in houses made up of bricks. The Indus valley civilization was a bronze age civilization which was in the Northwestern region of India, consisting mainly of present day Pakistan and India.
Along with ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia it was one of the three old civilizations.

Amit and Abhi were two very good friends who lived in Harappa,but they were completely opposite of each other. Amit was tall, fair, cute and had big eyes, adored eating but disliked dirt. Abhi was short, dark, ugly, had small eyes, loved dirt but disliked food. Amit was 11 years old and Abhi was 12 years old.

There was a gang named ‘hit gang’. The people in the gang were Yash, Gabbar, Ramu, and Somu. The leader of the gang was Somu, :) the gang wanted to destroy Harappa :) :). They were very cruel, dangerous, and dominating characters. As soon as the two friends came to know about this, they thought, how could they stop the gang from destroying Harappa?

The next day, Amit questioned curiously Abhi, “ Do you have any idea on how to stop the gang ?” Abhi answered, “ Yes,I do. We will tell them politely not to destroy Harappa because its a beautiful place and we live here. Its a home to thousands of innocent people.”

That very day they went to the ‘hit gang’ and told them whatever they discussed.The hit gang weren’t satisfied. Then Somu confidently directed them, “We are the hit gang, we do not agree so easily :) and if you want us not to destroy Harappa, fight with us.”

Amit told, “ We agree, so let us begin the fight.” They started quarrelling and fighting with each other. Abhi picked Gabbar and Somu and slammed them to the ground. Amit kicked Yash and Ramu and rolled them together. Then Somu sighed and cried out, “ We give up but we want to be your friends.” The friends agreed and they all became friends and lived happily ever again!!!