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How Constellations Were Formed?

By - Mahathi Kattamuri - Grade 5

A long, long time ago, when your great-grandfather’s grandfather wasn’t born yet, the earth
was full of forests. Very few people moved around. Among these people was an elderly saint.
Although he was very wise, he had always wanted to touch a star. It was always a subject of
great interest to the old man. Throughout his pious life, he had been drawing millions and
millions of drawings of stars, and now, he was dying.

Meanwhile, as the elderly saint was gasping for breath, two young girls, both nine years old,
were skipping through the woods. Suddenly, they heard a shrill neigh. The girls, Uma and
Parvati, froze. Again the sound came, and this time Uma stepped closer to it. She cautiously
took some more steps, and then gasped. “Parvati! There is a flying horse in a saint’s house! It’s
just beautiful, with sharp wings and pearly skin and a gorgeous mane-oh, just come and look at
it!” she finally exclaimed. Parvati ran eagerly forward, and then whistled with sheer amazement.
Both the girls briskly walked up to the wooden door. Parvati knocked loudly. “Who’s there?
Show your self!” an old, croaky voice bellowed. Uma twisted the door knob. “It is I, Uma, and my
sister Parvati, old saint Martin!” Uma hastily added, looking at the engraved name on the door.
She nervously stepped into the small, overcrowded room with Parvati at her heels.

“Old saint Martin! What has happened to you? Are you all right?” Parvati cried as soon as
they had entered the room. This was the same saint that had wished to touch a star. He looked
horrible. Martin was propped up on his wooden bed, with red eyes and a runny nose. He looked
as if he would faint and die any minute.

“My dears! I haven’t had much company over the past weeks! Do come in and sit!” Martin
exclaimed, wiping his nose and drying his eyes. He gestured vigorously towards Uma’s chairs.
The girls took their seats reluctantly, and then Uma reiterated, “Are you all right?”

“OH, nothing. This is the result of not being able to complete an old, shattered dream!” he
whispered. “Shattered dream? What dreams?” Parvati asked, now very much interested in the
conversation. “My life’s goal was to touch a star, at least for a second. I bought my winged
horse, Gippo, and thought I would fly up to the heavens. But then I caught this stupid cold and
went to the village doctor. He said that my condition was close to being critical. He told me that
a responsible person has to come with me wherever I went. So now….” His voice trailed off.
“We’ll go with you! We’re pretty sure that we’re responsible!” both of the girls said in a chorus.

Just as they finished saying those words, a flash of thunder and lightning illuminated the sky.
“Beware, Martin! No mortal is allowed to reach the heavens of the skies! That is why we have
given you a cold in the first place!” a warning tone boomed. Uma grabbed Parvati’s hand and

said, “That sounds like the voice of Shiv!”

But would plain words and some scary omens stop a very stubborn man like Martin? Certainly
not! So it was decided. Uma and Parvati (though reluctantly) agreed to come with Martin
through the skies until they had reached the heavens of the stars. Gippo was harnessed and
fed, while Uma packed a bad and Parvati went to buy medicines for the old man. The old man
himself was so excited that he nearly pounced on Gippo when he was ready.

Finally they were ready. “Go on Gippo! Up! You can do this!” Martin yelled, coughing and
stuttering. Gippo obeyed and soon they were up, enjoying the feeling of the wind lapping at
their faces. The houses looked like little bricks little babies used to play with. It was simply
wonderful to have everything look up at you in awe and admiration. The sheer novelty of flying
itself was amazing and unexplainable.

Parvati suddenly cried out, “The stars Martin! Your life’s goal is twenty feet away!” Martin
looked up and nearly fell off Gippo. Uma grabbed his shoulders and hauled him up. Then
after two more minutes they were so close that they could lick one of the stars now. “Slowly,
Martin, remember what the doctor said! Don’t stress yourself!” Uma warned. Old Saint Martin
carefully stood on the flank of Gippo’s wings and reached out – closer, closer every nanosecond,
nearer, and as he reached out – Bang! There was an explosion somewhere in the sky. Uma
yelled something, while Parvati screamed. But Martin balanced himself and grabbed hold of a
star. Old Martin yelled with delight, but then his face morphed from delight to horror. “What’s
wrong, grandfather?” Abbey’s smile melted off her face. “Can’t breath – star – is – consuming –
me – help!” he choked out.

Parvati looked terrified. “We warned you, foolish Martin. We told you not to enter in the
heavens of stars!” the same warning voice said. “That’s voice of Shiv!” Parvati said. Martin
was going crazy. “Help!” he choked. “Quick! Pray to Lord Shiv!” Parvati muttered, closing her
eyes. Uma’s face was beaded with glistening sweat. Then suddenly Marin let go of the star and
collapsed. “I – was – a – a – a – fool,” he said, dazed. He looked very ashamed. “I would rather
be a star!” and saying so, he jumped and held many stars together. And slowly - ever so slowly
he morphed into a star. You could see his form, there he was; a star. This was how the first
constellation was formed.