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The Greedy Lion King
by Samiksha Shukla 5B

Once, it was raining cats and dogs and all the animals in the jungle in the zoo were very irritated and tired of it, as it had rained the whole day but one lion named Rana was there who was not tired of it as something was going on his mind.

He thought that the jungle king Tribhuvan was a couch potato and that’s why he should be the king of the jungle where else he was a couch potato in the sense that Rana never went for hunting and used to the morsels of other’s food, tell stories of his greatness to his friends and used to play pranks on them but still he wanted to be the jungle king. So, he thought of plans of tricking the king and being the king itself the whole day.

After Some Days ……

A plan came to his mind. He asked one of his trusted and best friend to go and pass on a message to the jungle king and his friend wrote whatever Rana told in a piece of paper rolled it and went off to Tribhuvan (king of jungle).

After reaching there “Good evening sir, your father has sent you a message.”
May I read it?” asked the messenger.

“Yes please read it,” said Tribhuvan.

“Dear son, I’m very glad that you are handling the kingdom very well but I think this age is not fit for taking all these pressure on your head. So, I’m sending your big brother Rana to be the jungle king and till then you could enjoy” ended the messenger.”

After hearing this Tribhuvan was shocked for some time because he had never heard of his brother since his childhood.

“May I go sir?” asked the messenger.

“Yes you may go” said Tribhuvan and the messenger went off.

As soon he reached he told everything. Rana was overjoyed to hear all the conversation. He packed up all his things and was ready to go.

At dawn when he reached there he was surprised to see that the jungle was decorated beautifully and delicious meals were kept on the tables. Everyone bowed Rana .

“My dear brother, welcome to the jungle” called out Rana.
“All hail Rana! All hail Rana!” everyone started cheering.

“Dear all, I hope on getting me as a king, we have joy and peace in our jungle” ended Rana ,as the party was over everyone went in their caves to sleep.

For some days Rana behaved quite well but after some days he stopped working and lied on his bed the whole day. Tribhuvan reminded him many times but he would ignore it. So, after some days he stopped reminding him.

One fine day at noon he called Tribhuvan and said “I’m a very good king on my own and everyone knows that. So you should go from here to father”

“But you are so unattentive that you could be left on your own,” said Tribhuvan.
“I’m not asking you to open your mouth just go and pack up your things,” yelled Rana.

Tribhuvan went and packed up his things and went off.

Rana did not care that Tribhuvan will tell his father or not and thought that all animals will support him and even if Tribhuvan’s father attacks him with his army because he forgot that he was not the real son of Tribhuvan’s father.


Tribhuvan reached to his father’s he was warmly welcomed by the animals and was taken to his father.

“Oh! We have an unexpected guest. Welcome Tribhuvan! Well if you are here who is handling the jungle over there,” said Tribhuvan’s father.

“Well you have forgotten that Rana is there as a king” said Tribhuvan.
“Who Rana?” asked Tribhuvan’s father.
“Father are you joking with me. You don’t know your own son Rana” said Tribhuvan.
“No, I think that someone has tricked you and now your jungle will become Rana’s power” said father.
“If that’s the reason I will thrash that pretending brother right now” said Tribhuvan

But his father didn’t agree and said “If you thrash him and leave him today what he is doing with you he will do with someone else. So, we will teach him a lesson.”

Then suddenly a plan to his Father’s mind and he wrote a letter and send his messenger to Rana.


“Dear Sir, your father wants to give you his place of super king to you and will give you the crown at the marshy’s zoo at night” said the messenger. Rana was ravished to be the super king of all the jungles as Tribhuvan’s father was and agreed the invitation but he didn’t know why Tribhuvan’s father wanted to go to a place like the zoo where guards are there and they can catch Rana and Tribhuvan’s father.

At night he went to Marshy’s zoo and searched for Tribhuvan’s father

For some time he whispered “Father! Father!” but when Tribhuvan’s father didn’t come he shouted loud and the guard woke up so, Rana hid behind the bushes and the guard started searching. Suddenly, a whistle came through the bushes in front of Rana and he thought that Tribhuvan’s father had come but it was the messenger who gave him the message.

In excitement Rana jumped out of the bushes and shouted “Father you came here!” the guard saw and in fright he killed him with his gun. The messenger quietly escaped from there to Tribhuvan and told everything. Tribhuvan was very happy to listen this and ruled the jungle again.

And all of them lived happily ever after !!