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Calendars: Mystery Cracked

Author Details:
My name is Pranav Jatin. I am from 7A. My hobbies are reading books and playing cricket.

Did you know that calendars were first invented by the Egyptians and that Maths was related to this discovery?

Around 5000 years ago, the Egyptians noticed that every year the River Nile rose at a particular time. This time marked the sowing season for them. They also

noticed that the Moon rose and set 12 times between two overflows. Therefore, they measured this intervening period as 12-months (moons). The wise men observed that the bright star Sirius rose before sunrise, just before every flooding of the Nile. They numbered the days and saw that it calculated upto 365 days. So they divided the year into 12 months of 30 days and additional five days at the end of the year.