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The Magical present

by Raaghav ID (Madhapur)

Once upon a time there lived a girl named Lisa. She lived with her mother and father. Most of the time she used to spend with her dad. Her mother was not as close as other mothers were with their child.

On the day of her birthday, Lisa jumped out of her bed .With excitement; she put on her slippers and ran downstairs. At first she picked up her first present which was from Aunt Daisy , but unlike what she had thought , it was not a rainbow hamster. It was a smelly mouse!

Lisa thought it was nice of her Aunt Daisy, that at least she had remembered her birthday. Then, she opened a few more gifts of chocolates and toys from her friends. Then she opened her last present which was a “witches kit” . With real spells inside it ! She was pretty excited joyous and thought of using this kit on her mother , so that she could spend good time with her. So after her mother returned, Lisa and both of her parents had a picnic with lots of food and fun.
Since then Lisa, lived happily with her parents who loved her very much.

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