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Why do we get tears while cutting Onions?
by Abhigna

Long, long ago on the tree, there lived three friends Onion, Tomato and Ice cream. They three were best friends.

One day they were getting bored at their house. So, Tomato held a meeting and said “Let’s go to a movie”. Onion and Ice cream agreed to this. When they reached the theater Tomato said “Wait here; I will go and get the tickets”. When Tomato went there, a person crushed it. When Onion and Ice cream heard this news they cried.

After sometime, Ice cream says “to get out of this sadness, let’s go to a party”. Onion agreed and said “but, first let’s take a bath in the pond”. They went to the pond to take bath. When they went inside the pond, Ice cream melt and died, Onion cried.

When Onion cried for Ice cream’s death, the Onion got a doubt and asked God that I and Ice cream cried for Tomato’s death and I cried for Ice cream’s death. So, I cried for my friends’ death.

But who will cry at my death?

God blessed Onion and said whoever kills you will cry for your death.

That’s why we get tears while cutting onions. This was the life of Onion and its friends Ice-cream and Tomato.