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Light is Peace

Long, long time ago, Mata the king of dragons in a unknown world lived with his wife named Mati. They had two children, one male named Damen and one female named Laira. They were joined by their tails. They were gifted with different colours. Damen was black with red and Laira with white and blue.

The parents decided to not separate them because who chose the side of Damen turn into a dark dragon. The dragons used to get dark energy.

When they grew up, Damen got very furious on his parents for not separating them. He tried many times but he failed. Day by day he made a finale plan. That night Damen burned his tail using his fire but Laira did not notice that. Damen abandoned his parents and wrote a letter pretending as his father to Laira. He took them to a hideout he made at that movement. He mixed his saliva with some aced and he pour it on them. And the result was that they started melting.

The next morning Laira was surprised that her parents were missing. She was unhappy to be separated from her brother.
It almost a year and the thrones were empty. The days were dull and the nights were dark. Day by day, the darkness grew and the council requested Laira to lead the dragon as a queen. Laira accepted the request and she became the queen.

As she became the queen Damen appeared to demand the throne. Laira refused and preferred to a battle.

The darkness grew to the peak and the soldiers were ready for the battle light vs dark. The battle was furious.

Damen gathered a lot of soldiers. The army was humongous. When it was dawn the battle began and when it was dusk it ended. For many years they kept fighting.

The lord of darkness attacked immediately but Laira healed quickly. She got so angry that she turned into a flying dragon with extra sharp teeth, long tail, and yellow, black eyes.

She stole Damen’s dark energy and converted them to light energy using her magical powers. Every dragon recovered and were saved from Damen’s attack.

Finally, Laira lashes fire on Damen which burnt him to ashes and the ashes flew to the atmosphere then outside the world. The other dragon were sent to another world using a portal which Laira made using her magical powers. Laira decided to stay in the same world and she made animal, insects, plants, and humans. After creating this she disappeared and flew to the atmosphere to protect the world from dark energy, if it ever returns.