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How Days and Nights occurred on Planet Earth
by Akanksha 7A

A long, long time ago, in heaven the gods had created two female beings. Their names were Suma and Chama.

There was no sun or moon, so no one knew night or day.

When the gods sent the two female beings on the earth, they started to search food for survival on the earth. After, few days they were tired of searching and lay exhausted.

So they started to pray to the gods to call them back to heaven. The gods disagreed and said “I want you both to search again and discover things on the earth.” But they refused to do that and they gave up again and again.

Then the gods decided to take them back to heaven. So to punish them the god changed Suma to sun for day and change Chama into the moon for night to guild the travelers at that time.

That’s how days and night began to occur on this planet earth.

suma the sunÂÂÂÂÂÂ ÂÂÂÂÂÂ ÂÂÂÂÂÂ ÂÂÂÂÂÂ ÂÂÂÂÂÂ chama the sun