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Struggle for Education

Character Cast:
1. ARJUN: ( poor boy)
2. PARVATI:(poor boy’s Mother)
3. DAD

Act 1

Scene 1 [A run down house, in a slum, at dawn]

NARRATOR: A little boy awaits the arrival of his father, as he sits on the floor of his run down house. His Mother sits beside him, cooking the little they can find.

[Enter Father]

BOY: (Excitedly) Daddy! How was your day at the mines? (Expectantly) Did you manage to get some grain for us?

DAD: (Glumly) No, Arjun, the officer who owns the mines said that they might shut down for the next few weeks.

MOTHER: (bewildered) What? The mines are going to shut down? We are not going to survive!

DAD: (Collapsing to the ground, with a miserable expression and tears coming from his eyes) Yes, Parvati, yes, we are not going to survive unless all of us work. (Looking at Arjun) Even you son.

ARJUN: (Revolted) Dad, I already told you! I don’t want to work, whether it’s in a small tea stall, or a massive house. I want to go to a school, and learn like all the other kids I see. I want to have fun, and discover things about the common stuff around me!

DAD: (Angrily) Arjun! Do know what you’re asking for?

ARJUN: (Replying without fear) Yes! I do know what I’m asking for! I am asking for an excellent future!

PARVATI: (calmly) You know we can’t afford enrolling you in a school, Arjun.

DAD: This is the end of this foolish discussion! There is a Foreign Man who moved into town. You two will go there, and ask him if he needs any servants to take care of the house.

[Dad turns around and goes to sleep]

Scene 2[At the foreigner’s house]

NARRATOR: Arjun and his Mother set off to the Foreign Man’s house. The Mother, Parvati, rings the doorbell to a grand mansion.

FOREIGNER: (Opening the door, and looking at the pair) who are you, and what do you want?

MOTHER: (In a kind, pleading voice) We were wondering if you needed any servants to look after your house. We would be pleased to do so.

NARRATOR: After a long moment of silence, the Man agreed.

FOREIGNER:(Commandingly) you will start working from today.

Scene 3 [In the backyard of the Foreign Man’s house]

NARRATOR: A few weeks later, the Foreigner became very fond of the boy. One day, a very delicate topic emerged when they were talking.

[Foreign Man and Arjun enter talking]

FOREIGN MAN: Arjun, what do you want to be when you grow up?

ARJUN: (Glaring)What do you mean?

FOREIGNER: What is your life ambition? For example, I work for the United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organization.

ARJUN: (sadly) My mom and my dad think that they can’t afford to send me to school, but if they would, I would aim to be a doctor.

FOREIGNER: (Shocked) What! This is outrageous! I will talk to your parents, and convince them to send you to school. I will take care of the issues related to money.

NARRATOR: As he promised, the Foreign Man talked to Arjun’s parents. In no time, Arjun was in a school, having a lot of fun.

Scene 4

NARRATOR: Decades passed and, as Arjun wanted to, became a doctor with the Foreign Man funding for Arjun’s studies. Arjun became a really successful man, and earned a lot for his family!

By Suhas 6A