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The Chess Competition
by Mahima - 4B

Mohini was an eleven year old girl who loved reading palm leaf storybooks. She lived in the kingdom of Vijayanagara. The king's name was Krishna Deva Raya. His court jester, Tenali Raman, was a good friend of Mohini. Mohini loved accepting challenges from the king. Tenali Raman used to help her solve them.

One day, Krishna Deva Raya said,"Mohini, I am challenging you to participate in the World Chess Championship."
"Okay your majesty. I will participate", replied Mohini.

It was a calm and peaceful day in the kingdom of Vijayanagara. Villagers were building small straw houses. But Mohini was stressed. She did not know how to play chess. She approached Tenali Raman and asked,
" Tenali, I do not know how to play chess, Can you teach me?"
"Of course, Mohini! Let me take you to my house."

Mohini went to his house and learnt about the pawns, the king, the queen, and others.

Mohini practiced chess for many days. She practiced whatever Tenali taught her. But just the day before the World Chess Competition, Mohini felt sick. She did not want to give up.
"Mom, I want to participate," insisted Mohini.
"But you are sick and King Raya will scold you if you don't go. I will seek help of Tenali Raman for some remedy."
Mohini's mother went to Tenali Raman and he said,
"There is a special hibiscus plant in the Royal Garden. If we grind the flowers of the hibiscus flower, it will act like a remedy for diseases."
"Okay Tenali, I will come in the evening to pick the medicine up."
Then her mother went away.
In the evening, Mohini's mother went to their straw house. Mohini felt even worse than before. Mohini's mother called a doctor and went out of the house.
The doctor tried everything, but nothing worked. In the evening, Mohini's mother returned with the herbal medicine given by Tenali Raman. Mohini drank it and said,
"Mom! I'm feeling much better! Where did you get this medicine from?", asked Mohini.
" I got it from your friend Tenali Raman,"said her mother.
"Wow! Can you thank Tenali for me?", asked Mohini.
"Of course dear!", exclaimed her mother.
Luckily, King Krishna Deva Raya delayed the chess competition for a day. Mohini got ready and went to the palace grounds. The match went on for 3 hours. Finally there was a match point between Mohini and her opponent. After one minute, there was whistling, clapping and shouting. Mohini had won the match!
"All thanks to Tenali Raman", she screamed.
Mohini was offered the chess trophy and she was happy.