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Going to 2066

‘Hey Casey’, Daniel said on the phone.

‘Hullo Dan, the crazy man.’ Casey rhymed.

“SHUT UP! You have very bad rhyming skills!’

‘Okay, okay! Why’d you call?’

‘Wanna come over?’

‘Why? Got a new gadget or something?’


’Okay. ‘

‘You coming?

‘Be there in a flash.’

Casey hung up and put the phone down. Then she hollered across the hall, ‘MOM! I’M GOING OVER TO DANIEL’S! I’LL BE BACK BY DINNER!’ And, in case her mom hadn’t heard, she went into the kitchen and grabbed a Post- It from the kitchen stand and scribbled on it:

I’m at Daniel’s. Be back by dinner. – Casey

She stuck the Post- It on the fridge and walked into the hall. She then snatched the cycle keys off the key holder and went out of the house.

Casey sat on her bike and rode to Daniel’s house. The wind blew Casey’s blonde hair onto her face. She swept it off with a single swipe of the hand. She parked her bike outside the house and rang the doorbell. She tried to smooth her pink shorts and yank down her plain white Jockey t-shirt. Daniel’s mother didn’t like untidiness.

Daniel opened the door, grinning from ear to ear. He was wearing a plain white shirt with a pair of cargo pants. His mother walked up behind him, eyeing Casey disgustedly. There was a long moment of silence.

'Can I come in, Mrs Harker?’, Casey asked, finally breaking the silence.

‘Sure.’ Mrs Harker grunted, and without another word, she walked off.

‘Casey, why don’t you go upstairs while I get you some juice?’ Daniel said brightly, lightening up Casey’s mood.

Casey went upstairs and Daniel appeared a few moments later, clutching a tray with 2 glasses of fruit juice on it. They took out the board game Life out of the cupboard when… DING-DONG! The doorbell rang.

‘I’ll get it!’ Casey called and rushed downstairs. Daniel raced after her.

A mailman was standing at the door.

‘Parcel for Master Daniel Harker’ he said dully.

‘That’s me. Where do I sign?’ Daniel asked.

The mailman muttered something that sounded like,’ Stupid kids…’ as he indicated the spot. Daniel signed and took the parcel.
Casey shut the door as Daniel placed the parcel consciously on the coffee table.

‘Who is it from?’ Casey asked.

‘Doesn’t say.’ Daniel replied, analysing the box, wrapped up in orange paper.

‘What’s in it?’ Casey inquired.

Daniel shrugged and said ‘Would you please stop bombarding me with questions? I’m opening the box.’ With that the two of them grabbed a side of the cover paper and ripped it open, revealing a sleek, new computer tablet.

‘What company is it?’ Casey asked before she could control herself. Daniel looked at her, annoyed. Before Daniel could do or say something, she put her finger on her lips to show that she was shutting up.

‘I DON’T KNOW! Of course, I would know all about electronic stuff like this, but I never saw this type of model before. It doesn’t even have the name printed on it.‘ Daniel retorted.

‘Switch it on!’ Casey ordered.

Daniel pushed a button on the side and the tablet flickered to life. Casey took the tablet and started swiping through the displays.

‘What sort of game is this, Dan?’ Casey asked. Daniel peeped over her shoulder. A small icon said:


Before he could control his instincts, he touched it.

A voice from the tablet said ‘Welcome to Topsy-Turvy Time. Decide your tense. Past or Future?’

‘This must be part of the game! Pick Future!’ Casey said excitedly.

‘Okay. You will reach there in T-minus 10 seconds. 10, 9, 8…’

Before they could react, the room started whirring. Everything blurred. Casey grabbed Daniel’s hand and held on to it so tight her knuckles were white.

‘What’s happening?’ she shouted.

‘You are being transported to the future.’ the tablet said blandly.

‘NO!’ Daniel and Casey moaned at once.

When the whirring stopped, Casey saw Daniel and gave him a hug. She was so glad he had survived. Daniel barely could talk. ‘How will we get back, Case?’ Clearly, he was frightened. Casey could feel tears welling up in her eyes. She choked them back, her eyes searching frantically for the tablet, but she had no luck. She saw a computer, already logged in. She looked at the date. They were in 2066.

Casey bolted out of the house. Daniel followed. As they walked on the road, the came across a park, where a girl and a boy were playing ball. The girl had blond hair like Casey and the boy had dark hair like Daniel. As their faces cleared in, they realized it WAS THEM. The girl looked exactly like Casey and the guy looked exactly like Daniel. Casey and Daniel, the real ones, gawked at each other in amazement.

‘Who- who are-are y-y-you?’ Casey stammered.

Casey and Daniel (Pair number 2) turned around and were horrified. ‘M-m-m-my n-n-name is K-k-katherine H-h-harker. Who… are… y-y-you?’ Casey number 2, evidently Katherine, stuttered.

‘MY name is Daniel Harker!’ Daniel was horrified.

‘Um…My name is David Harker. Hi!’ Daniel number 2 interjected.

‘WHAT?’ Casey (kind-of) shouted.

‘And you are, miss?’ Katherine questioned.

‘Casey McCoy.’

‘Oh, now I get it!’ Katherine said, slapping her forehead. ‘Davey, don’t you remember Great- Gran Casey and Great- Grappa Daniel. This is them! Remember the Harker family tree? They were amongst the oldest. Wait, then how are you here? I thought you weren’t living anymore…’

‘I don’t…Wait! I’ll tell you! Look, I know this may sound crazy, but I and Casey travelled in time. We’re from 2014, and WE NEED TO GET BACK. Help us if you can.’

Katherine and Daniel smiled at each other knowingly. David beckoned them to follow him.

Katherine lead them all back to the house they had come from. They walked into the study. David opened the glass cupboard and pulled out a silver box with a red button on the side.

‘Casey, I mean great-Gran, please push that little button on the side.’ he said.

‘DO NOT call me that.’ Casey warned as she pressed the button.

A small keypad popped up from the box. Text flashed on the screen:


Katherine punched in a combination. ‘Select your year.’ ‘2014!’ Casey and Daniel shouted.

The room quaked. Casey shut her eyes. After the room stopped moving she opened her eyes and…yay! She was in the present again.

Mrs Harker walked into the room. After all the drama, she enters now! But still, Casey was glad seeing her. She put her arms around a very surprised Mrs Harker as she shouted,’ I love the present.’


Author Introduction:
My name is Kasvi-5B. I am 10 years old and I’m going to turn 11 this year. My hobbies are reading books, writing stories, playing basketball and playing badminton. I like noodles, pasta, pizza, Harry Potter books, and all kinds of animals. I hate bitter gourd, mean people (even though sometimes I can also be one) and oiled hair.