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I think yellow is a ray of excitement,

Sour lemonade is cooling to the touch,

Banana split ice-cream that I love too much,

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Black is my Colour

black is my colour

Black tastes like pepper
Black looks like a monster
Black smells like fish
Black feels like scared people
Black makes me bad
Black is dark
Black sounds like spooky places.


Author Details
My name is Ashwin Botta. I am in Grade 3A and I like to read. I mostly eat bread with chocolate. I am a fast runner.

Two Friends

two friends

Walking down the street were two peas in a pod,
My friend, Ms. Cod, and I.

Next, we went to play hog,
Alas, it started raining cats and dogs.

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Climate Change

There once was a world so pure and clean,
A green world without man and machine,

Then we came along and turned our world to trash,
Burning down trees to ash,

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My Favorite Yellow

Yellow is a mango that is juicy and tasty,
Yellow makes me peaceful and happy.
A fragrant marigold flower that is shining,
I hear a ball that is bouncing.
And a pillow that is soft,

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Global Warming

My name is Valli and I am from Grade 8. In English class, we have done a unit opinion & view, and speaking & listening skills, with the theme of Climate. Here is a short poem composed of small haikus, on the theme of Global Warming.

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Climate Change

Global warming is nothing but pollution,
There is no place without contamination.

Global warming kills many-many animals,
not only animals , but also mammals.

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White Color

White is like fluffy clouds,
White tastes like sweet milk.
White smells like spicy mint,
White sounds like a loud piano.

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Yellow makes me smile,
Just like the bright sun.
Yellow makes me run so fast,
When I switch on the forecast.

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ten things

A pen
A paper
A phone
A scale
A bottle of ink

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