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The Battle of Space and Time


My name is Jay and I am going to tell you the story of my life. My story is about my partner and me helping another species of a beast, “The Dark Prince”. He is the being responsible for all universal balance. It all started in the year of 2213, when I first set foot in Techno city.

“Hey!” yelled Dawn,
“Wait up!”
“What?” Jay asked as he slowed down.
“I’ve booked us a room in that hotel right next to the sea… what was it’s name again?”
“The Splash Park Grande?”
“Yep, that’s the one!”
“Soooooo.... where exactly is it?”
“Follow me!” she said as she jogged across the pavement.

Dark clouds rolled into the clear night sky as Jay crept into bed. “BOOM!” thunder clapped as he shut his eyes. He wasn’t going to stay up the whole night just because of some thunder. He needed his sleep. He came to this place after 3 days of time in a very shabby boxcar of a very shabby train. He wouldn’t waste half a minute in a nice comfy bed asleep.


Jay stood in a circle of darkness, all he could see was black, and then he realized, his eyes were closed. Suddenly, a flash of white light blinded him. Then, he saw it. A monstrous beast. He saw it attack another of the same kind but in a different appearance. Then a whirlpool of pure darkness, for it let out a beast of black and blue. It was the dark prince.

“Stop,” it cried,
“This is no time to fight!” ,but it was no use as the space and time master both fired one last beam at each other. “No” yelled the dark prince, he zoomed up to stop them but positioned himself right in between both beams. “Ahh” he yelled as he fell straight to the ground. The other two beasts teleported away as the Dark prince breathed his last, “The Dark Prince…will…not…perish….”


His body started to glow green. The Prince, what was happening to him? A green stone and two scrolls came out of his chest, but before Jay could read it he was awaken by Dawn, “It’s ok, you were having a nightmare, tell me about it.” Jay told her. After he was done, he noticed something he didn’t notice before - he felt something under his bed sheet. The scrolls and the stone from the dream. Jay gave them to dawn who examined it and came back an hour later and said, “We need to go to planet Sirius.”




“Jay! “ Dawn whispered. “Jay!!”

“Follow me!”

“Can’t you let me sleep….?”
“Fine!” said Jay grumpily. “What now?”

He was astonished at the sight of the gigantic rocket that loomed ahead of him.
“Ta-da!” said Dawn. “This is Galactic-11 – building, painting , everything by me. To planet Sirius!”

Galactic-11 was a sleek silver space ship ,with red and blue stripes, was extremely complicated and hard-to-manage controls which was floating in the middle of nowhere but was extremely close to planet Earth in universe-like distances. The over-head radio announced “Reaching Planet Goomba.”


“Why are we at planet Goomba?” asked Jay.
“Because “, said Dawn, “ We need fuel. We are dangerously low according to my calculations, by the time we reach Sirius, we’re gonna be out of fuel.”
“Umm. I don’t think they want to help…” Jay said as he pointed to the window.
“Fire!!” the Goomba King yelled.
“Come on Dawn, get the ship going, quick!”
“Initiating controls” the overhead radio droned.
“Prepare for take-off, 5…,4…,3…..,2….,1…., Blast off!!”
The arrows missed them by few inches and they took off into space.
“Phew, at least we didn’t get hit!”
The Galactic-11 was floating in space quietly when a silver planet came into view. “There it is, Sirius!” said Dawn. ”Let’s go!”


“We reached Sirius”, said Dawn, “Get down”,
“What are those…?” asked Jay.
“Oh-oh, those are bomb-ombs…they explode.”
“What should we do?”
“Maybe , let’s take the Galactic buggy.”

They zoomed past the bomb-ombs which exploded behind them. “Get through that door!” yelled Jay as they crashed through the wooden door of the giant castle and landed in front of a coffin.
“I think the prince is inside.” Said Jay.
“Open it in 3…,2….,1…., Now! They grunted as they lifted the lid. Jay placed the stone on the Prince’s chest and it glowed. Then suddenly, the prince sat up and said, “Go hero, think it all as a dream! Bye, now!” With those words I found myself in bed, safe and sound.

Author Info:
Hello, I am Pranavesh, I am 11 years old and study in grade 6 B. My hobbies are reading books and working on computer.