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Deadly Alzor

Long time ago there were 4 colleagues who lived near the coasts of Melbourne their names were Max, Ben, Laura and John .Ben was short with black hair ,Max was tall and had blonde hair ,Laura was slim with green eyes and John was tall with brown eyes. All of them used to

work in the squad base of MID (Melbourne Industrial Department).MID would sell guns to the people who work for the president and MID was 1 of them.

At the moment the squad base had just got a signal that ‘something is going to hit the Earth in 20 hours!’ The people in the squad base get really frightened and tell the city to evacuate to another place. After 20 hours….

Bang!! The UFO hits Earth and a huge creature emerges out of it in a fraction of a second. At that point of time the cops find a small device lying next to the crash after scientific research they found out it was a time turner and will work only 15 times. They capture the creature with a net which has really strong fibres and is tight enough to prevent a rocket from a rocket launching. But no one saw the hidden blade under the creature’s arm.

On the same day the people catch the creature and scan the creature

Name: Alzor
Ability: It has a hidden blade under its arm
Disability: If it gets scared it hides for 15 days to conserve its energy to attack

The creature really got scared when it got caught in the net, so it’s going to hide for 15 days now. On the 7th day Max, Ben, Laura and John start to train in the squad base.


Max, Ben, Laura and John get scared. After they prepare for battle, they go in search for finding the Alzor. After they found Alzor, they tried to attack but Alzor was too fast for them. When John took out his AK-47, he got wiped out in a slash. But, luckily, they escaped with only major hurts in the battle with Alzor. So they used the time turner and go back in time to regain their previous forms. But they keep visiting the present time to figure out the weaknesses and strengths of Alzor. And each time they keep getting injured and have to return back in time to regain themselves. During these battles they realized, Alzor is able to heal all by himself. So far, they could only injure him only with minor injuries. So, they figure out few things about him – Firstly, he may die if he’s involved in a huge blast with lot of impact. Secondly, they found that Alzor gets stunned if you throw water on him. Thirdly, water will make him hands sticky and has an advantage to grab them easily. All these discoveries took them 14 visits to the past and present. Now they are in their last chance to find and kill Alzor.

So, they travel to the present to find Alzor raging the city. But, they are more prepared this time. They use the correct tactics of safe guarding themselves by wearing a juggernaut suit and use the technique used by Germany in World War I – the Kamikaze attack. As they go near the Alzor, Laura pulls the trigger for the kamikaze.

At last!! The Alzor is dead and because of the juggernaut suit, they all survive the impact. The people who survived the attack rebuilt the city of Melbourne. It looks much better than it was before!

Author Introduction:
My name is Manjunath.I am In 5th grade.I love eating pizzas ,burgers ,ice cream.My best friend is Simir . My hobbies are:
1.Playing football
3.Watching T.V