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The Four Elements
by Rishi-8A

Back when the earth did not exist, there were two all-powerful beings. They were called Hapi and Papi. Together, they created the world.

When they did this, four more beings emerged. Each was humanoid with a special ability or a body part of an animal.

Mon Monthma was almost always asleep. He snored thunder and inhaled lightning. Lando was the first Centaur. He was impervious to any attack on the ground. Leia had the limbs of an octopus and could breathe underwater. Luke was a man with wings sprouting from his back. They all had the power over their own element. Mon Monthma had electricity, Lando had powers over earth, Leia got water, and Luke ended up with air. They spent most of their time flying and controlling spirits from their element.

One day, Lando and Leia were growing tired of controlling only their own elements and became obsessed over total domination. The next day, they attacked Luke and Mon Monthma.

For three long weeks they battled. Mon Monthma fought Leia and Luke, duelled Lando. They thundered and clashed. They fought with swords, spears and axes.

One day, while fighting, Lando finally disarmed Luke and about to deliver the killing blow when Luke carried him into the air and a lightning bolt provided by Mon Monthma hit Lando in the chest. That was the end of the race of Centaurs.

Leia got punished by Luke and Mon Monthma for treachery and greed. She could not fly anymore. But even to this day, Leia sometimes worms her way out of punishment and floats over to Mon Monthma’s abode – the clouds. We know this phenomenon as Evaporation.

After that war, things drastically changed. Man could not fly and the sky was never filled with anything but air and the occasional thunderbolt.

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