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The Enchanted Unicorn
by Chatena 4A

“Isn’t Tiana pretty Anne?” asked Anna. “Yep! She is.” repeated Anne crossly. “My dress does not match white paint”. “I smell pastry, mmm!” said Anna. “Really? I am coming down right now”. “But before you start, is Tiana pretty?” asked Anna again. “Yes, the pastry was yummy, Mom”.

“Let’s go to the park, mom,” the sisters said. “Ok,” said mom shrugging. “We can take Tiana too.” Tiana was their pet unicorn.

On the way, the sisters started whispering to each other. Their mother overheard them and said, “But I do not think your charm is as pretty as Tiana!” Anna chuckled a bit. Once they reached, the sisters sat on Tiana’s back. After an hour, Tiana’s horn started glowing and she started talking! “Well, an adventure awaiting, mom, bye!” called Anna as Tiana started flapping her wings.

“Doesn’t everything look small from here?” asked Anne. “Maybe, but look there,” said Anna awestruck by the beauty of the enchanted world. THUMP! Tiana had fallen on a sidewalk made of glass!

“The enchanted world!” The sisters said surprised, suddenly Tiana spoke. “The queen needs you,” she said. The sisters
gulped. “But we don’t know the way” said Anna. “I will take you there!” said Tiana in a boasting way.“Ok,”replied the sisters.

In a while the sisters and Tiana reached the humongous crystal palace. “Wow!” said Anna. “Come on,” said Tiana.

“But if there is a crystal, there should be a crystal queen. But I don’t see anyone,” said Anna. “Wait, what is that letter?” “I don’t know.” said Anna. The sisters started reading the letter aloud and it said, “ Dear girls, I hope you come to Mount Erebus to save me. I’m nearly frozen through my heart and if I freeze, I shall fall into the burning lava of Mount Erebus. I sent this letter by Tiara, the white pigeon. The dear crystal queen of yours. Tiara will get you there.” The girls saw the symbol of the enchanted world.

“Ah! Tiara is here. Come on lets go.” said Tiana. Suddenly everything seemed dark. They twirled around three times. And then they felt super cold in the country of Gondwana!“Mount Erebus! ” Anna shrieked out.

“The crystal queen!” shrieked Tiana. The crystal queen was about to die. ‘She was freezing blue.’

They all ran to Mount Erebus.” But how on Earth are we ever going to reach up there?” asked Anne.

“Wings!” suggested Tiana.
“Ya! But how?” said Anne.
“Wait and watch” said Tiana. FLASH!
“Wow!We are floating in air!” said Anne.
“Keep these hammer,.” said Tiana.

“Let’s go up,” said Tiana.When they reached,the queen was nearly dead. But as soon as Tiana’s horn touched the queen’s hand, the queen got well! “Thank you,” the queen chirped.

The sisters and Tiana got back home. Their mum was anxiously waiting to hear what they had done in the enchanted world!