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The Box of Doom-Extract
by Trina Tanuj 6B

“Wait for me Jason!” hollered Sereana, as she was stuffing her last book into her book bag. Sereana was an eleven year old girl who had beautiful long brown hair that curled to the middle of her back. She was running down from school to catch up with her best friend Jason. Sereana and Jason were going

to an old thrift shop that they heard sold fascinating and eye-capturing souvenirs. Sereana and Jason were just turning around the corner when they saw an old, brown, shaggy thrift shop. However their expressions changed after seeing the amazing items displayed.

Sereana had spotted a brown box that immediately caught her eye sitting in the corner. Unfortunately the shopkeeper had denied Sereana from buying the box, but when she asked why, he just walked away and ignored her. So Sereana had ended up buying the box. As soon as Sereana got home, she tossed her bag like a feather and plopped on the bed with the box. Thump! Thump! The box was making creepy noises and sent a chill down Sereana’s back.

It was as if the box was urging Sereana to open it so it could haunt her. So, Sereana slowly opened the top of the box. She saw a mirror and glared into it……….. SLAM!!! The door shut close and shrieks filled the room. A gust of wind filled the air too. Sereana was petrified and felt like her body was paralyzed. Sereana swiftly glared around for the box and shut it close. She lay silently on the bed waiting for her eyelids to fall heavy and she would fall asleep. A thousand questions were swimming through her head.

She grabbed a small snack and jumped back into bed. She became drowsy and forced herself to get some sleep. She fell back letting her brown curls bounce towards the pillow. During to the, the clock struck twelve and Sereana was dragged across the floor while her head hit the ground. She was walking out of her control and slipped outside her house into the chilly air. It was as if she could not stop walking. Her feet had taken control over her body.

She walked slowly toward the graveyard. It felt as if the trees were whispering secrets and was appalling as Sereana walked by. She walked towards the entrance and stopped. Next to the gravestone was an ugly……WITCH!!!! She had bloody black eyes, a pointed nose with a weird wart, a smirk across her face, and nails shaped like daggers. The witch penetrated her dagger like nails into Sereana’s skin making four nail marks on her hand. Sereana tried to fight back with all her might she had. The witch crowed around her and……….