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Our Beautiful blue planet - The Earth
by Mimansa 7A

One day Lord Grishma was telling his pupils about how the earth had evolved to a beautiful blue planet. He started his story…!


A long, long time ago space was full of some particles and gases moving all around the whole of the universe. One day a gigantic rock was attracted by a smaller rock and both the rocks blast and were changed to smaller and smaller rock pieces.

After a few days, the tiny particles came together and had formed into large spheres all together in the universe. Slowly because of the different gasses in the particles of the rock the spheres were converted to huge fireballs.

When the earth was being formed to huge fireball, it had started giving out different types of harmful gases and was containing such gases that life could
really be sustained on the earth.


After a long time finally the earth was about to have life on it as if the natural requirements for life on the earth were being formed. The land (Dev Thriodasha), water (Devi Shraddhavalika) and air (Dev Dhwani) were being formed.

First the land was taking place on the Earth. The beautiful twinkling stars broke to pieces, came together on the fireball by giving out a really bright shine through which the thick ball of land was formed with nothing but only the plain land.


After some period of time the earth was having water as well as some particles or droplets from the universe were coming in a sphere shape and they just had been splashed on the earth by which the water bodies were being created independently.


Slowly, every process continued and the dust particles , some tiny rocks and garola ( the extracts of some planets ) had started surrounding the whole of the universe which was changed to huge bubbles and joined together and was converted into air which moved towards the earth and surrounded the earth by giving out some extra gases in it.

When the atmosphere was formed it got converted to multiple layers which was very confusing. Finally the multiple layers were reduced to five layers.


After a long , long period of time when all the requirements for life on the earth were formed and ready, the earth was turned into a really beautiful blue planet. Later life had started sustaining on the earth.

Further after, when the creatures or humans and animals, etc. had evolved the gurus in the ancient times had named the earth Nishavati-Hindu, Dishavati-Muslim, Dharampita-Jainism, Devnagiri-Buddhism.

The universe in olden times was known as Kanhaiya and Neelkailash in Hinduism , Hirakuda in Jainism and Buddhism.

Lord Grishma finished his story. Then he told the gods children that now the earth is known as the most beautiful blue star or blue planet in the universe.

Later , some children went to lord Grishma asking , “Gurudeva, was the earth round in shape or flat when formed ?”
Then Gurudeva replied to them, “ I am not so sure but when you go to that wonder planet you feel it is flat whereas from heaven or from here it appears to be round in shape. As you are going to the trip to the earth, our mission is going to be that we have to observe that how the earth appears from here as well as from the earth.”

Then Guru suddenly forgets to explain something to the children so after lunch he calls all his students to his hermitage so that they could learn more about planets and observe them and as they could see the earth from Gurudeva’s hermitage he explained that he had forgotten to tell his pupils,

“When the earth was in its final stage when being formed it gave out a divine sound of OM! OM! and some light while the earth was taking its final shape. “ He included,

“Can you hear some sound if you hear it carefully.“
His pupils replied yes!

And then the lord told his students to bear this word in their mind.
