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How The World Came Into Existence
by Aryaman Tyagi 7A

A Long time ago, in space the three gods Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma had a fight regarding who will be their leader. As Shiva was the most powerful so Brahma and Vishnu got scared and they made Shiva their leader. Shiva was very proud of himself.


Zeus, Hades, and Athena saw this all they were embarrassed to see that the Indian gods were fighting like babies. So the Greek gods thought to teach them a lesson so they would not fight again. The next day the Greek gods came to Indian gods and told them to create three different worlds and whosoever is the best will win the contest and will be the leader.

The Indians gods started their work hard to win the contest and be the leader. The Greek were watching them so that no one does cheating. As the Indian gods were finished with their work they went to see.


First they went to Shiva. He had made a world burning like volcano so all the people died. Shiva had failed. Then they went to Vishnu he had made a world with a protective layer but he forgot to put the trees so there was no trees and no oxygen so everybody died. Vishnu also failed. Then they went to Brahma he made everything but he forgot to put the water so no one could live. He also failed.

Since everybody had failed all three Indian gods had to make one single world. As soon as they were finished the Greek gods came to see it. It was perfect place to live for humans. They named it ‘EARTH’. The Indian gods got to know that unity is key to success. So all gods were happy to see the new world and agreed to help humans thrive on it.
