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AUTHOR DETAILS: My name is Kashish from grade 9A. I’m a multi-talented enthusiast- with equal interests in academics, baking, dancing and drama.

Tension was filling the air. Suddenly, my study room started to feel so humid and suffocating that I got up and marched to open all the large French windows in the room. Unfortunately, the grand door-lite glass openings failed to force out the warm, tension-filled air. In an urge to escape the claustrophobic feeling, I ran for my garden-facing balcony, in three long strides.

The usually turquoise and lively sky seemed dark and dull, with the sun hiding behind the heavy, dominating clouds. I feared the rain; it felt as if tiny spears were directed towards you – to punish you for all your sins. As If the one above heard me, I noticed several droplets approach the ground with full force – as if determined to attack.

I rushed back in and drew all the navy blue corduroy curtains- making sure of blocking any sight of the rain. I then went over to my exquisite library; picked out ‘the difficulties of being good’ and perched on my leather armchair. After around twenty minutes of distracted reading, I heard a knock on the door.

“May I come in sir?” questioned George, the house helper.

“What may I suppose brought you here?” I interrogated while signaling him to enter.

“Sir, there was a mail for you,” I raised a brow, wondering why it was necessary to bring it separately . “ Um, it has an URGENT stamp on it so I thought that I should take it to you straight away.” He walked forward and placed the letter on my ebony des.

“Thank you Gregory, you may leave,” I said, while scrutinizing the cryptic envelope. George bowed and reorganized the figurines on my coffee table before exiting. Realizing what the letter could be about, small droplets of sweat started to form on my forehead and temples. Very gingerly, I detached the flap from the paper and removed the contents present inside- a letter and the picture of my daughter, Eliza. The letter read-

Dear Mr.Millon,
How do you do? I’m sure that you are aware of your daughter’s disappearance from the past forty-eight hours. Do you? I bet little Miss Millon wouldn’t be happy to know that her father doesn’t care about her life! If you want her back, get me a briefcase full of four million pounds! Definitely, you are very wealthy so it shouldn’t be much of a problem to get me all that money, should it? Meet my men at the abandoned road at Driadon street behind the lake at 8pm sharp. QUICK! or else you’ll lose her…

Yours sincerely,

Paralyzed, I stood, as fear crept over every part of my body. Hastily, I picked up the picture and hugged it to my pounding chest- wishing that, Eliza was here in my arms safe and happy. The image was slightly worn out from the edges. I could notice yellowing of the material. In the image, Eliza was shown gagged in a dark room which was eliminated just sufficiently by a suspended bulb. I hurried to the door.

“Patricia! Come here quickly!” I noted that my voice sounded more wrathful rather than concerned. Moments later, I heard the sound of brisk, high-heels click-clacking on the wooden flooring- covering the distance from the kitchen to my study.

“Chris, did you call me?” Patricia asked.

“I just received a letter from-from Lizzy’s kidnapper” I noticed my wife’s perfectly shaped brows raise in a concerned manner. There were tears in her eyes; I could sense her trying to hold them back.

“Lizzy’s kidappers!! What did the letter say? When can I see my sunshine again?”

“They have demanded for 4 million by today evening, I don’t know what to do,” I handed over the letter along with the worn-out image. My wife swiftly seized the polaroid and scrutinized it until every detail was registered in her brain. She couldn’t hold back her tears anymore. As the tears rolled down her blushed cheeks, she said, “My sunshine! God she – she must me suffering! Chris, pl- please get her back to me! Save her and do whatever they command you to do! But I want her back!”
She sobbed and exited the room, taking the picture with her. I glanced at my wrist watch- it was quarter to seven, I had to make a decision. I felt my cheek, the thoughts of Eliza kissing me everyday before going to school flashed in front of my eyes. I felt moisture on my finger tips and soon realized that I had been crying.

BEEP,BEEP! The digital clock signaled that it was already seven. I knew now that I had to leave for Driadon street as it would take another three-quarters of an hour. I had almost made up my mind when an attractive option hit me! ‘ Instead of taking the money to the kidnappers, with a fair chance of them not returning my Lizzy; I could just go and seek the police’s help’. This idea seemed quite convincing yet I was frightened that they could harm Eliza due to my impetuous actions. I was running out of time and it seemed senseless to ask for Patricia’s views as all she would possibly say was ‘ you can’t take chances and risk our daughter’s life, Christopher!’. Without analyzing much, I grabbed my car keys, a briefcase and left for the bank.
Post finishing the legal documentation and withdrawing the needed amount, I started driving towards my destination. I reached considerably quickly, possibly due to my rash driving. Soon I parked my car, switched on the headlights and boosted the volume of the FM. As soon as the clock tower struck eight, a man dressed as a cop, holding a gun, ran towards me.

“lower you window,” the cop’s voice echoed. I rolled down my window to be unpleasantly greeted by a ‘hands up’.

“Driving license please! May I ask what you are doing here at this time?” The police officer kept on inquiring even after handing in my license.

“Mr. Millon why are you here?” the cop repeated. Thousands of thoughts and possibilities crossed my mind. My heart beating at the speed of the world’s fastest car-possibly faster.

“Sir, I-I-my daughter has been kidnapped. I am here to hand over the money and take her back.”

“Eliza Millon, is she your daughter?” my eyes widened.

“Yes sir. But how do you know about her identity?”

“Well I must acknowledge, that you have a very witty daughter. She managed to ring us in and ask for help.” Suddenly, a feeling of pride filled my chest while a wide smile spread across my face.

“Don’t be so happy mister Million; we are yet to retrieve her from a nearby factory, as calculated by our specialists,” the cop brought me back to my senses and I stepped out of my car with the money.
Suddenly, we heard muffled voices from the bushes. “Act normal Christopher, hand them the money. My team will be ready to follow them after their departure.” I nodded and walked forward, noting the officers disappear.

“Anybody there? I have the money, give Eliza back!” Two men dressed in a black attire approached and snatched the briefcase out of my hand, probably breaking two of my slender fingers. Within seconds, I saw them run- without returning Eliza! I had been tricked!

“ You can’t just run away! Where is my daughter? You cheaters! Give me my daughter and money back!” I screamed while chasing them; gawkily running through the dense forests, branches poking my back; limbs aching from the exhausting run. I didn’t want to stop but my selfish legs refused to carry me any forward.

“Mr. Millon, follow us,” the cop whispered in my ear, “We got this now!” he reassured while signaling the other officers to follow. After about fifteen minutes of limping, we reached what looked like an abandoned factory of ‘Millon and Co.’ – my company! While we all entered cautiously, several questions buzzed through my brain. ‘How can someone enter this factory? They need the key!’ As soon as we reached the center of the building, I brought my analysis to a halt. Within the blink of an eye, the deafening clamor of gunfire filled the room. The loud cracks and flinching noises were preventing me to understand the situation and search for Eliza. The most I could think at this point was to run and find shield – thus I ran behind a stack of large cardboard boxes. Immediately, I regretted my decision; cardboard wasn’t the best bulletproof material, how was it going to provide guard? Trying to make use of what I had, I shifted a few times to make sure I was completely hidden behind the boxes and peeked through the edge to meet the eyes of- my daughter!
She sat, exhausted, on the same chair as the one in the photograph, struggling to set free. Soon, her eyes met mine and we shared a mental comfort along with tired smiles. I gestured her to maintain clam and remain seated. The firing came to an abrupt end when a police officer walked into the range of the suspended lightbulb dragging with him the kidnapper. They stood facing Eliza asking her for reassurance which she answered with a nod. Following that, I felt waves of anger ripple through each and every cell in my body as I approached the ‘mastermind’ and rashly turned him around by his shoulders- in order to punch his nose.

Seeing who the kidnapper was brought my fist to stop in mid air. Standing in front of me was my younger brother- Augustus Millon.
‘Aug-Augustus?” I gave him a confused yet threatening look, “officer, I’m pretty sure that he isn’t the one who abducted my daughter. I trust him; I know he can’t do anything this evil.” I denied while turning to the cop, who had an unsatisfied gaze casted towards me.
The tremendous confusion was broken with Augustus voice. “ Tsk-Tsk. Such a pity, I got caught. Who could even think that I would have done something like this? Happily I would have escaped with all the money.” Completely disturbed, I stared at my transformed brother.

“Why would you do this? What harm have I done to you?” I questioned completely blank about the reason behind his actions.

“Oh my! Brother you have done everything to me! You trust me but I don’t trust you! I never thought you could have done something evil either until you tricked me into stopping the partnership! You were a greedy, selfish elder brother instead of a kind and generous one! All you wanted was money. And all I want is revenge!” He shouted on the top of his voice, with wrath in every word he said. His ocean- like blue eyes darkened with anger and detest, causing the policeman’s grip on his collar to strengthen.

Guilt and fear hit me at the same time as the memory of that day came back to me. “ Augustus, I know I had made a huge mistake, I even suffered because of it. Moreover to make up for them I even came back to you- asking you to legally become my partner again. I really did miss your company and realized my wrong doings. Why didn’t you come back?”

“Trust broken once can never be made again brother, remember father’s words?” With this phrase, the officers handcuffed him and dragged him away as he tried to break free. “Mr. Christopher, I believe we will need to have a word with you as well regarding your actions which Mr. Augustus just disclosed. At the police station, 8 am, tomorrow morning.” The officer apprised me and left. Completely submerged in regret, I slumped down next to the boxes when the most beautiful voice came to my ears.

“Daddy!” I looked up to see my daughter run towards me. I got up with the little energy remaining and embraced my daughter into a tight hug. I patted her back as she did the same to mine. She sobbed for a while in the crook of my neck until I tilted her head up and wiped of her tears. She did the same for me as well. Finally after gaining composure, we held hands and walked out.

“Jesus will always be with us Eliza,” I assured her as I pointed above to the sky. We look up to notice several drops fall towards us- the rain. Something had changed in me. I didn’t feel scared of the drops anymore. In fact I felt surprisingly tranquil, imagining the drops to be blessings coming from the one above us.