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Notre and Damis: Adventure to Death

Author’s Details:
Name: Ashwin
Class: 5D

“Yeah, man!” yelled Notre. “Please be quiet. I got to win so stop blabbering,” Damis, Notre’s elder brother, ordered. Both of them, along with their family, lived in apartment Manual Motors, Avenue 29 in Manhattan.

Their parents were both mechanics who fixed vehicles as a job and made machines as a hobby. Because of their good work, they got a free flat in Manual Motors.

Their two kids, Notre and Damis, were playing the video game ‘Fix the Dude!’ while the parents were out. “Hey, Notre! Do you want to play the Death man level?” Damis asked. “Bet you!” replied Notre. As they played, slowly night fell. At 9 o’clock, their parents had come home but they didn’t notice.

“Hey kids. How was your time while we were gone?” asked Mr. Minstriter. “Huh? Oh. It was good despite the fact that we locked Ms. Penselvania in the refrigerator.

“Wha-?!” screamed Mrs. Minstriter. She wasn’t able to complete the sentence as the windows flew open and a gush of wind stormed inside. The wind took Mr. and Mrs. Minstriter away.

“Mom! Dad!” Notre cried. Then they heard an unknown voice. Suddenly a man appeared in front of them. “Hello kids,” he said, “Don’t whine. You will find your parents inside your computer. Here, use this.” He handed the children a hard drive, and vanished into thin air.

“Should we do it?” asked Damis. “I-I t-think s-s-so.” Notre stammered.
Suddenly, they got sucked into the hard drive with such force that even an elephant would be powerless against it.
Notre and Damis fell with a large thud. Some leaves near them withered and died for no reason. “Stay alert, okay?” Damis warned.

“I got that part. What I don’t know is what the thing running past us and killing the leaves is.” Notre answered. He was right. There was a creature around. It suddenly ran past them, faster than a heartbeat.

“Hey grab that,” Notre told Damis. Resting next to him was a sword, made out of crystal, gleaming.
As he grabbed it, two blood red eyes glared at him from the dark clearing. As it stepped forward both of them gasped. It had clear bright teeth, which could easily make people go blind. It looked like a wolf but much larger. The fur was so dark that it almost camouflaged in the dark.

“We are totally doomed,” Damis said. “Agreed.” Notre whimpered with him.

Somehow, two seconds later, the sword in Damis’s hand reacted. Flish, flick, flash. The wolf got blinded and roared. He scratched Notre. Notre shrieked. “You have got to be kidding me!” yelled Notre. Then Damis and the wolf started a fight. Even though the wolf was blind it could still fight using its smell.

“Come on Wolfie!” Damis teased. He cut through the wolf’s hide with the sword and brought out its flesh. “Ahh. Free at last. Oh wait! Notre!” Damis panicked as he ran over to his little brother. The cut was not deep but Notre was shaking his head wildly.

“Aha!” said the same voice. “You’ve accomplished your mission boys.” A face appeared out of the darkness. It was so ugly Notre forgot his pain and almost threw up. Above him on a catwalk, hung on ropes, were their parents. They wore the same clothes as before but had dark faces which Damis guessed were smeared with dust and ash.

“Let them go you ugly-” Notre hesitated. He didn’t know exactly what the giant was. “Call me Hostame. If you are wondering why you are here it is because you played my old game. To free yourself you have to fight me.” said the giant. Damis wanted to refuse but he got the courage and said, “Okay, pinhead.”

“You will regret that!” Hostame said angrily.

The battle began. Damis kept slashing but couldn’t cut through Hostame’s armor. The giant kept on summoning fire so Damis kept backing away. But the giant suddenly threw a potion into Damis’s mouth. “Ha! You are going to die!” the giant said. But Damis somehow felt more powerful. He threw his sword at Hostame’s head and the giant staggered back. “No! You should have died!” he cried. Then he fell and died.

“Always pick on the right person,” Notre called out. In a heartbeat they were back home with their parents and everything went back to normal.

The End