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Why Do Monkeys Have Red Bottoms?
Author’s Details:
My name is Hansini and I study in Grade 4D, Manthan School, Tellapur. I like playing outdoor games. My hobbies are drawing and reading. When I grow up, I wish to become either a lawyer or a writer.

Once upon a time, there lived many animals in a forest. One day, a traveller came to explore in the forest. After walking for a long time, he decided to rest under the shade of some trees. He left his extra clothes beside him in a box.

61A monkey spotted the clothes and stole them. When the traveller woke up, he forgot all about his clothes and proceeded with his journey.
When the monkey opened the box, containing the clothes, he was astonished. He suddenly had an idea. The monkey snapped his fingers and said, “I will dress up as a handsome man with these clothes and impress the girls in the village.”

A deer heard what the monkey had said. “You should not go to the village, it can be dangerous”, warned the deer. The monkey snorted, “You need not tell me what I should do.” “If you don’t listen to me, you will face consequences,” said the deer calmly. After saying that, the deer went away.

Then the monkey was busy dressing himself. In the box, there was a beautifully woven red shirt, a white shining ring, a green cap and a blue trouser.

After dressing himself up, the monkey tucked his tail into his trousers and said to himself, “ I should not let my tail come out of my trousers, or else the children will know that I’m a monkey.”
Then he went to the village in the night, and spent his time dancing with the girls. One of the girls said, “ He is so smart and handsome!”
The boys in the village were very jealous of the monkey as all the girls were praising him. One day, as the monkey was dancing, one of the boys saw his tail and he understood that he was not a human, but a monkey in disguise. He came up with a plan.

The boy wanted to teach the monkey a lesson. The boy burnt the rock which the monkey usually rested on. When the monkey was tired of dancing, he sat on the burnt rock. “Yeow!” the monkey screamed in pain. Alas! The rock that he sat on had burnt his bottom and he cried with pain and ran away.

Since then it is believed that monkeys have red bottoms.