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Why the Sky is Blue
Author’s Details: My name is Haasini Kellampalli. I study in grade 4B. I like the colors blue, black, red, green and yellow. My hobbies are running, playing, watching Pokémon, reading and writing. I like eating all sorts of candy, chocolate, pasta and strawberries.

Once upon a time, three gods - Seanor, Thunderous and Croel, who were siblings, ruled parts of the world. Seanor ruled the sea. Thunderous ruled thunder. Croel ruled hell.

One day, under the white sky (the sky was actually white then, not blue), on Mount Maligy, the three gods were talking about an old man; he was a nice person, but it was time for him to let go of his life. Croel said that he was supposed to go to hell, as it was really empty there. Thunderous said that the man deserved to go to heaven as he had not done anything cruel in his life. On the other hand, Seanor said, “I don’t think he even has to let go of his life. I know his time of life is over ,but still, I don’t think he deserves to die!”

The disagreement soon turned into a debate and the debate soon turned into a fight. Soon after, the three gods decided to call the man to look at his views on the subject. The man was really thin and fragile. He had white hair and beautiful green eyes. Thunderous asked him,
“Sir, as you can see, you are very old and you have fulfilled your point of life. If you decide to die, I will personally send you to heaven, where life will be better than how it is here.”

Croel interrupted, “Sir, if you die, I will personally take you to hell. I know, I know, you will not be willing to come with me, but I will make you feel at home. You will have a great time with me!”

Then Seanor said, “Dear man, I feel like you don’t even need to let go of your precious life! You can stay with your family happily.”

The old man was confused and scared. He thought to himself, “Heaven would be a good choice, but if I go to hell, I will be able to meet my dead father, who was cruel, but I still love him. But if I don’t die, I can stay with my family. I can enjoy life with no work. Aagh! Too many options! Wait, maybe I should just run away!”

Without giving his idea a second thought, he fled from mount Maligy. The gods were amazed to see how fast he was. He was almost as fast as a cheetah! Croel and Thunderous were annoyed, but Seanor, on the other side, was full of joy and pride.

She said, “Ha! The man wanted to live his life, and not die! He took my option. I, Seanor, the goddess of the sea, have beaten Croel, the god of hell and Thunderous, the so-called strongest god EVER!”

Both Croel and Thunderous were short tempered, and after hearing what Seanor said, they were boiling will rage.

Then Thunderous shouted, “You brat! You want to have a taste of my rage?”

Then Croel said, “How dare you insult me!”

Seanor said, “You two idiots! Nobody is stronger than me!”

Thunderous, who was ready to kill Seanor, said, “You think you are stronger than me? Fine then, I declare war between the three of us, and whoever wins is the strongest god ever!”

Both Croel and Seanor shouted, “I agree!”

Thunderous said that the war would start tomorrow. Seanor asked the sharks and fish in the sea to help her in the war. Thunderous asked the birds that flew in the sky to help him in the war. Croel asked the dead people in hell to help him in the war. Finally, the three teams assembled on the battlefield. They started fighting.

The war went on for hours and hours. The sky was clear and white with clouds. WHOOSH! The wind blew harder. Seanor was battling really hard, until she saw somebody familiar.

“What?” She thought to herself. “That’s Steeloy, the god of war. Is he going to battle against us too?”

Well, that’s what he came for. Steeloy had an extremely strong team. Steeloy shouted, “I have come to battle with you guys. I am the strongest god! If one of you beat me, that god will be declared the strongest god of all time!”

Thunderous, Seanor and Croel knew that Steeloy was really powerful. All of their powers combined would be equal to Steeloy’s. The war was supposed to be between the three siblings, but it turned out to be against Steeloy. The three gods sharpened their weapons and got ready to fight. But Steeloy was relaxing, drinking wine on a huge floating throne.

When the siblings were ready, they started fighting. Steeloy was winning against them, but the three siblings did not back down. Seanor was fighting so hard that she caused a tsunami. That was the highest tsunami ever. Soon, it was touching the sky.

Thunderous was making it thunder and Croel was creating black magic. All this power made Steeloy run away.
Seanor was going to stop the tsunami when she saw something amazing. The sky was not white anymore...it was blue! She controlled the tsunami, and a few seconds later, it stopped.

Thunderous and Croel were amazed to see the new sky. When they returned to Mount Maligy, Seanor sadly said, “Sorry brothers. I guess I insulted you. There is nobody stronger or weaker in us!”

Then, both Thunderous and Croel said, “Now! That’s my sister!”

Since then, whenever there was a problem, the three siblings solved it together and did their part of being good and fair gods. And as for that old man, well, the siblings went and threw him into space.