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Name of the Book: Divergent
Author: Veronica Roth
Genre: Dystopian, Speculative Fiction
Reviewed By: Vanshita. P - 8A
Publisher: Katherine Tegen (Harper Teen)
Publication Date: May 2011
Paperback: 487 Pages
Rating: 4.5/5

In Chicago, where society is divided into five factions: Amity for the peaceful, Abnegation for the selfless, Candor for the honest, Erudite for the knowledgeable, and Dauntless for the brave. At the age of 16 people must choose a faction or remain in the same where they have been raised.

According to the aptitude test results 16 year olds make a decision to which faction they truly belong. But Beatrice Prior (Tris), a 16 year old has an aptitude for

three factions. She is special. She is Divergent. However, it is not safe to be a Divergent and Tris must conceal it. So she ventures out alone, determined to discover where she truly belongs. Shocked by her brutal new life, Tris can trust no one. Yet she is drawn to a boy who seems to both threaten and protect her.
One craves for this book! Tris is such a strong, but she is not perfect and that is why she is one of my favorite character. Tobias also known as ‘Four’ only had four fears and he didn’t want to be just one thing, he knew he just couldn’t be one thing. He discovered himself in a very balanced manner and this is what I appreciated the most about this character.

This is a moving book with a great balance of tension and humor. It is such an original, amazing piece of writing, it is thought provoking and action packed with a little romance blended within. The characters are relatable and realistic, with each one having their own secrets, but also their own desires, which shine throughout the book. There are four books in the series including Divergent followed by are Insurgent, Allegiant and the final book called Four. It is worth reading the series, yet I believe Divergent was the best!

The story was tightly told from Tris’s perspective but it is narrated in the present tense. If you have ever been to Chicago you will recognize the landmarks of the city, though they have all been tweaked a bit: when the Dauntless go to play capture the flag paintball, Tris climbs the Ferris wheel.

After Tris ruins Jeanine’s plan to use the Dauntless against the abnegation, Tris and friends move in to find a safe place but harder choices lie ahead. You should really pick this book up whenever you are free and find more about the choices. I rate it 4.5/5 because of its ongoing and unique plot and precise description of characters. I recommend it to the age of 13+ as the age lower might get confused with the plot in a few instances of the story.