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The Secret Valley

Author’s Details:
Rida Masood is studying in Grade 4C ,Manthan School, Tellapur. Her hobbies include singing, dancing and painting. She wants to become a doctor ( a pediatrician)when she grows up.

     The phone rang “Tringg”.Liana’s mother responded, “May I know who is calling?” “ Your child Liana is invited to the school ‘Finlayn’.This school is  full of sports and there is a special game named ‘Alley Shot’, said the Headmaster of the school, on the other end of the line.

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Villa no. D-502
by Auric Mitra - 7

It was a cloudy day and I, Auric Mitra, was going out to my retail store for some groceries, and the Heffely family was just moving into Villa no. D-502,, which is right opposite my one, but I did not understand one thing which is whenever someday shifts into that villa, after one or two months the light are off, the car is not used so we a get a tower to lift that car, they don’t come out and they used to keep their door unlocked, and all those sorts of things.

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Wit Pays

Author Description:
Name: Pradyumna.N.Holla
Class: 5-C
School: Our school - Manthan International School, Tellapur (Of course)
Characteristics- Humorous/witty, smart and kind (All according to me, I don’t really know whether others think the same about me)
Hobbies- Cycling, reading, drawing/sketching and, of course, playing video games

Long ago, in the Amazon Jungle, there lived many animals, like today. They had no king or leader, but still they had very few troubles. In this jungle, there was a turtle named Tim. He had many friends, but his best friends were Bob, the bear and Chunky, the monkey. Once, Chunky took part in an incidental event, in which he was the main character. Let us see what that event was.

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The Precious Diamond

Author’s details:
Sanvi Chitturi is from Grade 4C, Manthan School, Tellapur. Her favourite  pastime is reading books.                         

     There were two children, named Lilly and Jack. They lived in a house with their parents. At their home, they were playing with their new, exciting video game which their parents bought for them last week, until……

     They heard a weird noise. Lilly and Jack thought that the mysterious sound was coming from the attic, but when they reached there, they found out that it was not coming from the attic. They noticed that it was coming from outside, through the window.

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The Permirtz

Author Details: I am Mahimna from 4D. I enjoy writing stories and sports.

     It was a hot day in Mellowbrook, and the two brother scientists, the short red-haired 25 year old Rick, and the tall green-haired 26 year old Mike were getting bored.

    "I'm getting bored, what should we do? Should we make something?" suggested Rick. "I don't know....I guess we could make something.." Stuttered Mike. "Hey? Why are you stuttering?"asked Rick.

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The Mysterious Mountain

Author’s Details:
Ananthkrishnan studies in Grade 4D of Manthan School, Tellapur. His favorite pastime is playing cricket while his hobbies include reading books and cycling.

     Two boys, named Frank and Joe, lived in a village with a leader, whose name was Kai. He was a benevolent leader and also a staunch devotee of their God.The village was safe under the leader’s protection.
     The next day, leader Kai was delivering a speech to the villagers. Suddenly, he fell down and fainted in the middle of his speech. Everybody started panicking, “Oh no! Leader Kai! What happened to him?”

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The Last Bit of Warm Wind
-Ishrath Shaik

The grotto was unwelcoming- frigid and stony, but it wasn't devoid of the genial, yet panicked pat of the warm breeze from behind. Freckled with crystal-like dew, were the walls. The air was salty and dense. My feet were bare, touching the rigid, rough surface. It was a soundless night, barely any light either, except for the small LED from my key chain, which came with me.

Something cold pierced my foot. I knew this was my end. I sat down and my eyes were forced shut.  For a minute, I was in great pain. I tried to suck the last of life. No more hospitals, or surgeries. It was over. Cold air blew at my feet. The ground was smooth like frosted glass. My eyelids blocked the sting of the white light. The world's warm touch was gone, forever.

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The Gold Coins
by Aarushi, 4C

   Long ago, there lived a little girl named Andy, with her parents, who was nine years old, and had long, curly hair. She was tall, had big, black eyes and was always ready to go out somewhere, as she disliked the idea of staying at home.

     Andy lived in a village, with lush greenery and trees, surrounded with many houses near the Ganga river. She was also very lonely as she had no friends, because the village was small and not many families lived there. She always wished that she could have at least one good friend.

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The Best Friends

Author’s Details:
Sai Bhadange studies in Grade 4C, Manthan School, Tellapur. Her hobbies are dancing and playing sports. Her favourite colour is yellow. She aspires of becoming an author when she grows up.
     Have you ever gone to a hostel? A nine- year old girl, in this story, has gone to a hostel. The hostel was very well-planned, but something went wrong there. Let’s find out what it was.

     “Good Morning, Kita”, her best friend Lella yawned, who was of the same age as Kita. Lella loved to talk to her and was very friendly with Kita. “Good Morning!”, Kita replied in her soft voice. When Lella woke up and saw, Kita was already prepared to go for a walk.

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The Amazing Adventure

Author’s Details:
Rohinish is studying in Grade 4C of Manthan School, Tellapur. He likes playing Tennis, reading books. His favourites among the books that he read are ‘ The Harry Potter Series’ and ‘The Thickety Series’ and ‘The Magic Tree House Series’.
     In the past, there were two people called Sam and his father Max. They looked very much alike: tall, stout, and pale with blue eyes. They used to visit Jamaica very often in a plane. As usual, they went to Jamaica, did swimming and enjoyed partying. Finally they went to a hotel to sleep.

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The Adventures of John Silverstein
by Nikil - 9A

Shots are fired. BANG-BANG! Magazines are loaded. CLUCK-CHUCK! Bullets whiz past John's face. WOOSH! All of sudden, a shot is fired at the heart of the sentinel-in-charge. The sentinel falls, and to everyone's astonishment, there was James - lying languidly on the carpet. John fell to his feet.

It all started on the 29th of February, the year 2050. Or might have - as that is what John was told. Mr. Reynold Silverstein, his father, was the sole mastermind behind the creation of the 43rd sector of the Swiss Intelligence, which came into being on this very day, and its sole purpose - assist the intelligence by

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Secret Note

Author Details:
Adya is studying in Grade 4D, Manthan School, Tellapur. She likes playing outdoors and her favorite pastime includes Cycling and Swimming.

     Megan was 9 years old. She lived with her mother in her apartment. She wore long, skinny jeans and loose shirts. Megan was very tall and skinny. Her best friend was Mellisa, her neighbour.
     Mellisa was 9 years old. She lived with her sister and father in her apartment. She wore Capris and regular shirts. Mellisa was a little shorter than Megan, but Mellisa was very fit. Her best friend was Megan, her neighbour.

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