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Dear Readers,

Sparsh has stirred the young and candid minds of enthusiastic writers of Manthan. The second edition showcases their evident creative zeal through yet another conglomeration of stories giving a vignette portrayal of character and settings, charming poems and various thought provoking articles.

A visible change was observed in the students’ perspective towards creative writing as many new talented writers showed up with their fascinating write ups and eye popping illustrations. I personally feel that Sparsh has evidently touched and inspired the students to present and share their work.

It was extremely amazing to see the young children carrying out the work of Sparsh so expeditiously. I would like to acknowledge the diligent work of the students in the Editorial Team, who have worked hard to present a resplendent range of young writing.

I extend a hearty thanks to all the teachers who co-coordinated with the Sparsh team in making the students write ups available, and a very special thanks to Mr.Phani, Mr. Ramakrishna Reddy and Mrs. Shalini Reddy for their overwhelming support throughout the publication of Sparsh.

Anticipating your encouragement…Happy reading!


Priya Saxena
Teacher Editor