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Guhan Iyer- Grade 7

Everyday, humans are contributing to the destruction of the environment. Deforestation, water
pollution and air pollution are three major ways humans are destroying the environment. We all
know that trees are important as well as are clean air and water, but what would happen if we
keep destroying and polluting them?

Deforestation is the cutting down of trees and forests. How does deforestation affect us? One
of the main impacts of deforestation is the loss of wildlife. Many animals live in forests. They
make homes, and create ecosystems where every animal plays an important role, no matter how
large or small. By cutting down a forest, we would be affecting a lot of animals. We would be
destroying their homes and their ecosystems. It might result in the extinction of many species of

Deforestation, also more indirectly, causes global warming. Trees breathe in carbon dioxide
and exhale oxygen. By decreasing the number of trees, more carbon dioxide remains in the air,
resulting in more heat in the earth’s atmosphere. That additional heat causes weather patterns to
change. Thus, deforestation also affects weather patterns.

Another major way that humans impact the environment is through water pollution. This is
done through releasing untreated sewage and toxic chemicals into the water. By releasing
untreated sewage into the water, the water becomes contaminated and is not usable for drinking
or irrigation. Releasing toxic chemicals into water bodies causes death to marine life. Loss of
marine life is loss of part of Earth’s ecosystem.

The last major way humans affect the environment is through air pollution. Toxic chemicals,
such as carbon monoxide, are released in the air. These chemicals are harmful to people and
animals. Increased levels of carbon dioxide in the air also accelerate global warming.

We are undertaking many actions that are destroying the environment, but not doing enough
to preserve and protect it. By reusing paper and recycling, we can reduce deforestation. Public
transportation and cycling are the modes of travel that are eco-friendly. For future generations to
live the way we have lived, we must do our best to protect the environment.