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By Mahathi K - Grade 5

Imagine a place where animals were scarcely seen. Imagine a place where the air was
thick with smoke. Imagine a place where the water was polluted with toxic waste. This horrid
“place” is very slowly becoming our environment. We have used raw materials from Mother
Earth like hungry people grabbing fruits from the local fruit stand. Have we given a thought to
what would happen to our environment?

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By Rishy - Grade 5

Have you ever gone outside on the road? What do you see? Well, I see garbage, garbage
and more garbage. What happens when you throw garbage on the road? The thing what happens
is pollution.

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By: Lahari - Grade 5

As said by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi ‘There is sufficiency on the Earth for man’s
need. Not for man’s greed.’ This means that Mother Earth has enough resources for our needs,
but not for the greed that we show. We take more than we need from Mother Earth. If we have a
small house we crave for bigger ones which leads to cutting down more trees for the wood.

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By Shreyas Sarangi - Class 7

We need oxygen to breathe, to live. Without it, we would have been extinct over ten thousand
years ago. The oxygen comes from our environment, which we are demolishing. While we cut
down trees, the clock keeps ticking. The human impact on the environment may soon take its

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Guhan Iyer- Grade 7

Everyday, humans are contributing to the destruction of the environment. Deforestation, water
pollution and air pollution are three major ways humans are destroying the environment. We all
know that trees are important as well as are clean air and water, but what would happen if we
keep destroying and polluting them?

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