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By Shreyas Sarangi - Class 7

We need oxygen to breathe, to live. Without it, we would have been extinct over ten thousand
years ago. The oxygen comes from our environment, which we are demolishing. While we cut
down trees, the clock keeps ticking. The human impact on the environment may soon take its


We are the most developed species on Earth. We are smarter than the rest of nature, which
can be proven with all our scientific inventions and discoveries. Yet we cut down trees and
reduce grand forests to miniature woods. If we have the best brains, then why do we pollute
the air, land and water?

If I haven’t made it clear already, the human impact on environment is shocking for those
who think that mankind is really benevolent. We pollute the sky, the seas, and the streets with
litter, chemicals, and other forms of waste. We should learn from the lesser forms of life. Birds
use bio-degradable materials in their nests, not plastic straws or electric wires. In fact, these
innocent creatures that don’t hurt the Earth are hurt by us when their home or shelter, a tree,
is cut down, or when our waste ends up in their stomachs.

We really are the most developed, so we should put our brains together for good. We need
to stop cutting down trees and develop non-polluting and eco-friendly ways of doing things.
This way, our creations will be truly glorious and wondrous. If we don’t, our impact on the
environment will weigh us down.