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By: Lahari - Grade 5

As said by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi ‘There is sufficiency on the Earth for man’s
need. Not for man’s greed.’ This means that Mother Earth has enough resources for our needs,
but not for the greed that we show. We take more than we need from Mother Earth. If we have a
small house we crave for bigger ones which leads to cutting down more trees for the wood.

The human race wastes all the good resources that Mother Earth provides us with, like
water, trees, land, etc. We leave the tap open when we are brushing our teeth and we cut down
the trees. We kill the animals for food. Because of us Mother Earth is getting damaged. Let me
remind you that Earth is the only planet capable of having life. Meaning that if we destroy Earth
we will have nowhere to go to and we will all die.

We are releasing many harmful gases that are polluting the air around. When we burn
paper and other things carbon dioxide comes out. We breathe in oxygen and let out carbon
dioxide. If we don’t have oxygen we cannot breathe and we will die. The plants breathe in
carbon dioxide and let out oxygen. So even when we cut down plants we are polluting the air.
Always reuse, reduce, and recycle.

If we cut a tree we should plant another one in its place. We should leave excess water in
the sewage treatment plant. Use a bicycle to travel instead of a car or bike. Save the Earth for the
future generation. Land is not inherited from your ancestors it is borrowed from your
grandchildren. Remember to…

Save Mother Earth!