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By Rishy - Grade 5

Have you ever gone outside on the road? What do you see? Well, I see garbage, garbage
and more garbage. What happens when you throw garbage on the road? The thing what happens
is pollution.

Humans have harmed the environment from the year 1900. Many animal species are
extinct like the Dodo and Tasmanian wolf. This is because of over hunting, deforestation, and

There are 4 types of pollution: land, water, air, and sound. These destroy the
environment. Many plants and animals are suffering big losses in their habitat, population, and
their food. We, humans have destroyed a lot of area of land and we have to work hard to save the

There are many ways to save the environment, but we are not doing those. Examples so save the
environment are:

Use less water.
Off switches when not used to save electricity.
Throw garbage in proper garbage bins.
Clean up garbage thrown on the ground.
Don’t throw waste in water.

Humans have destroyed the environment but, we can still save the environment if we work


“Go Green!”