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By Mahathi K - Grade 5

Imagine a place where animals were scarcely seen. Imagine a place where the air was
thick with smoke. Imagine a place where the water was polluted with toxic waste. This horrid
“place” is very slowly becoming our environment. We have used raw materials from Mother
Earth like hungry people grabbing fruits from the local fruit stand. Have we given a thought to
what would happen to our environment?

To clear the way for roads, houses, apartments, buildings and malls, some humans have
cut down several acres of trees. Many animals think of the forest floor and treetops as home.
When we cut down their homes, what will happen to them? They will simply be ignored, and left
to starve.

Everyday, lots of people throw their plastic bags on the roads, or even into the nearest
water body. They just throw the garbage anywhere away from them. The plastic eventually
makes its way into rivers and oceans.

In many industries, smoke is produced. This destroys the ozone layer that protects us
from the sun’s harmful Ultra-Violet rays. It also aids the greenhouse effect, which gradually
increases the Earth’s temperature. This is called global warming.

Our ancestors had known that we would do this. They created many holy books about
respecting our Earth and treating it as a person. What have the helpless creatures done to us?
They have become victims of our cruel actions.

Of course, we take what we need from the Earth. We need some things to live. But why take
more than required? This becomes a want. If all of us take what we want from the Earth, nothing
would be left. The humans would perish.

So, play your part to save this beautiful environment. Do your bit, for in the well-being of
our world lies the key to our survival.