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Beauty Lies in the Eyes of the Beholder
by Angiras 7A

According to me "Beauty lies in the eyes of the Beholder" as it reflects perspective, an optimist views everything optimistically, a Pessimist views the world as his enemy, and an Artist views the world as a piece of art.

It is based on the perspective of a man, the beholder, in whose eyes lies the beauty.
All men's perspective varies, but I believe it is how everybody views their reality, some people accept the reality, others try to change it, some reject it fully, others see the good in the world even if it isn't there.

I simply accept the truth and the world, and people like me are mistaken for pessimists, we are realists. Everybody views the world their own way, but those people who not just accept the world but also love it, taking everything lightly, and believe the best is to come-is where beauty truly lies. His eyes see no wrong.
If there is a half-filled cup a pessimist will say it is half-empty, the optimist will say it is half-filled, the realist, however, drinks the water.
The world is filled with different people and perspectives.
The chef believes in the spice of life, the sailor believes in the sea, the librarian believes in knowledge imparted in the books, and the saint believes in God Almighty.
People and their lives vary: their houses, their clothes, their thinking process, their behavior as well; all due to perspective.
Hitler believed that trinkets in the desert could help him win the war, Mahatma Gandhi believed in "non-violence" and freedom, and Abraham Lincoln believed in "non-racism" and acceptance. Fortunately, new perspectives come with the new generations.

To sum it up, I believe in everything, some people say there is beauty in my eyes, others; not, but even if all the people in the world accept me it won't help if I don't accept myself.
I believe in me as others do, and people like me do something no other type of people do, we believe in things that exist, we are realists, we are the Beholders.