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sparsh edition Apr2018


Economic status of India

In India, people count the investment by GDP or the incomes earned by the residents of the domestic territory of a country. The formula of GDP is the total investment by total number of employees (around India). For example- my mom gets 100 rupees, my dad gets 100 rupees, and I get 100 rupees so the formula will be: 100 plus 100 plus 100 which is equal to 300 and divided by 3 ( three members are getting money) so the economic status of my family is 100 rupees.

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Free markets are a threat to developing countries

The term ‘Free trade’ is with regard to all the countries of the world collectively considered as one global market, thus, meant to eliminate unfair barriers to global commerce and raise the economy in developed and developing nations alike. However, both apparent and feared repercussions can create a grave mistrust on the part of workers who believe their country is giving foreign producers an unfair advantage and costing domestic jobs. The main objective of free trade brings about a thick line of gap between the

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Patriotism, for the present youth of India is equivalent to cheering for India in a cricket match against Pakistan, because that is what they think is the “love” for their country. However, real patriotism is the sentiment you feel when the tricolor is hoisted and the national anthem is reverberating in your ears. It is the zeal and responsibility taken when your nation goes helter-skelter. It is the pride that you feel when your motherland achieves a feat not even thought of by any other country.

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Are You Born an Entrepreneur or Do You Become One?

This topic asks a simple question: are entrepreneurs born or made? Of course, the answer to that question is not that simple, for it deals with deep misconception that lies in society- of “innate talent.” This essay will prove to you why your genetics do not determine your success on the business playfield, why economic success is often circumstantial and why business know-how is instrumental in the making of an entrepreneur.

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Bunyip is believed to be a spirit sent to the Earth to punish the evil. It has a huge mouth with long sharp teeth and an enormous tail like a crocodile. It is also believed to be having dark fur, flippers, horse’s tail, dog like face and huge tusks.

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The Amazing Amarok

warofwords02The Amarok is a mythical creature originating from the Inuit culture. The Inuit must have created this creature so that no inhabitant of their tribe would go into the deep forests alone at night.

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A Movie Review

Movie: Black Panther
Director: Ryan Coogler
Producer: Kevin Feige
Run time: 2 hr 14 min
Rating: 4.2/5warofwords01

The movie starts with the history of the setting, Wakanda. Wakanda is a country possessing an enormous amount of vibranium, the strongest metal in existence. This is the reason Wakanda becomes the most powerful country in the world but decides to hide their wealth from the outside. Although it thrives, initially there is a lot of war among 5

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