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Beat the Weather This Season!

Guhan Iyer (Grade 7)

Hello! Friend, it is that time of the year again. The monsoons have arrived, though a little late this year.
The weather is cooler, and the plants are looking lively. But, it kept some of us at home due to illnesses. This year beat the weather by avoiding germs, eating healthy food, and doing exercise regularly.

The bad germs are mainly spread through unhygienic habits and by coming in contact with an infected
person. Washing hands often helps kill the germs on your hands. Make sure to wash your hands with
soap and water for enough time. The recommended time by doctors for washing your hands is fifteen
to twenty seconds. A good way to time yourself would be to sing ‘Happy Birthday to you’ since that
also takes about fifteen to twenty seconds. Certain times you might want to wash your hands are
after playing outside, before and after eating, and after going to the restroom. Remember, one of
the best and easiest ways to prevent spreading illnesses is by washing your hands regularly. Another
way to cleanse your hands is by using hand sanitizer. If soap is not available, then hand sanitizer is a
good replacement. Hand sanitizer is like soap, but it works without water. Life buoy and Himalaya are
common brands of hand sanitizer. They are available easily at any general store. Covering your sneeze or cough is also very important. If it is not covered, the germs will immediately spread throughout the area.


If it is covered by your hand, the next thing to come in contact with your hand will also catch the germs. Therefore, it is best to cover your cough or sneeze with a handkerchief or your elbow.

A seasonal change, especially at this time of year when the monsoon season is approaching, causes
more than the average number of infections. Therefore, it is advisable to be extra careful.

Food, another major factor in keeping us healthy, won’t be much of a problem, if the recommended
food eaten is properly washed properly. A well balanced diet will always help. Food pyramids give an
idea of how much of what type of food should be eaten. If a well balanced diet is followed, diseases
such as obesity and diabetes can be avoided. There is a saying: ‘You are what you eat!’ Make sure to
thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables before cooking or eating them. There are a couple of different
ways to wash the fruits and vegetables. The common practice to wash them is by soaking the food in
warm saline water for ten to fifteen minutes. If you plan on eating the peel of the food as well, such
as for apples, you might want to scrub the skin with a brush. Lastly, to completely clean the fruit or
vegetable, you can wash it in plain tap water a few times. This ensures that your fruit or vegetable is
completely clean and contains the least possible number of germs, fertilizers, and pesticides.

Last, but not least, daily exercise or some form of physical activity will help you keep healthy. You can
play sports like basketball, soccer or tennis if you have access to play ground or court. If you do not have space you can simply jog or jump rope to keep yourself fit!

Enjoy this monsoon season and be healthy by avoiding germs, following good food habits, and
exercising often. All it takes is a little effort to keep yourself and your friends healthy and happy.