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Name of the Book: Book Scavenger
Author: Jennifer Chambliss Bertman
Publisher: Henry Holt and Co.
Ratings: 4.5/5
Reviewed by: Shreya Challa, 7B

Book Scavenger is about a special website called Book Scavenger, where books are hidden all over the country and clues are updated on a special website, left on a wild adventure.

Emily's parents are always taking the family from one place to another, working on their blog 50 Homes in 50 States. Emily, an ardent Book Scavenger, can't wait to move to San Francisco, where the founder of Book Scavenger, Garrison Griswald. And she's working on finding a new book!

Best of all, Mr. Griswald is creating a new game! Emily can't wait to find out what it is about.

But then disaster strikes. Mr. Griswald is attacked in a subway and no-one knows what his new game is. But maybe Mr. Griswald left a clue behind…

When Emily finds an odd book at the scene of the crime, she assumes that it's a Book Scavenger book. But following a secret code hidden in the book, Emily and her new friend James are thrown into a world of books, ciphers and greedy thugs.
Will Emily and James be able to crack the case of the strange book?

Jennifer Chambliss Bertman works as a proofreader and a copy-editor. This is her first book. The sequel to Book Scavenger will release this year (2016): The Unbreakable Code.