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Why do Giraffes have long necks
by Mahitha 7A

Long, long ago, the trees grew very high and the animals started to die because they were short and couldn’t reach trees to get food. The days passed and all the animals started to starve and die because of food shortage. But the other animals living near the mountains ate grass which grew near the mountains, and they survived.

One day all the animals were just standing on the edge of the mountain and they were wondering about the future of their offsprings, while the young fawns were grazing in the meadow, when they came across a Rhino. The young fawns were very scared of the Rhino and huddled together, because they thought the Rhino would snatch their toys from them. While the Rhino was scaring and chasing the young fawns away, they came to the edge of the cliff and a giraffe toppled down the mountain. By chance he clutched a branch of a tree by his neck and hung suspended…..

This was not all, the other animals standing on the edge tripped one by one and held the leg of the giraffe to prevent falling. So the giraffe’s neck stretched due to the weight. That’s why giraffes have LONG NECKS now!