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Wenine and His Tricks End
by Tanvi Reddy 4A

Did you ever compete with your sibling? If you didn’t, then close this book.

There were once two sisters, Trisa and Sara who lived in a mansion, which had a large front door that opened automatically. The two sisters always fought with each other.

Trisa was the elder sister. She had long hair and black eyes and was 14 years old. Sara was the younger one. She had short hair and blue eyes. She was a good dancer and Trisa was a swimmer.

King Cloudeen was the king of clouds. He held a competition for swimming and dancing.

At the mansion Trisa and Sara were thinking about participating.

“Do you think I should join?” asked Trisa

“I think both of us should go.”

“I am better than you, I am much better. I have won more prizes than you,” said Trisa

“No!! I am better,” said Sara

They both went to king Cloudeen to tell him that they were participating.

“We would like to participate in this competition; we will come tomorrow for the competition,” said the sisters

Both of them went home to tell their mother.

“Mom, we both went to tell king Cloudeen” said the sisters.

While telling this, Wenine heard this and started to plan something.

The sisters saw Wenine.

“Look! Wenine our childhood friend” said Sara.
“But what is he doing here?” questions Trisa.
Sara went to her ballet class to tell her teacher. Trisa too, told her teacher
“I am joining the competition in the land of clouds.”

“I am so happy that you’re my student. I will give you a gift tomorrow,” said the teacher. The next day their mother went and brought ballet shoes and a swimming costume , but she did not know they were magical.

“Thank you so much mama, for a lovely swimming costume and ballet shoes. We will wear them in our competition.”

Wenine saw them getting the magical things. He made a plan on stealing their things and winning the competition.
Sara and Trisa saw Wenine planning and got alert.

“I am wondering why he is doing this,” said Sara.

“I think I know why he is do this, you remember he is also a swimmer and dancer like us,” told Trisa.

“He always lost to us till now,” said Sara.

“Maybe that is why he wants to win the competitions this time,” said Trisa.

“Get ready and come down stairs. We are getting late for your competitions,” called mom.

“We’re coming,” said the sisters .They went to the cloud king and told if he can make sure Wenine does not come.

“But why?” asked the king.

“He wants to steal our magical swimming dress and shoes.

“Ok! I will make sure he does come,” answered the cloud king.

The cloud king got to know that Wenine had come. He struck him with his trident and gave him an electric shock. Wenine and his tricks ended and from then Trisa and Sara always won their competitions

The End!!!