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The Dance Conspiracy
Genre: Historical Fiction
by Auric Mitra - 4

Ballakot was one of the serene villages of Indus valley which was ruled by one noble, Avara. His palace was grand with tall, strong pillars, spacious courtyards with a checkered-pattern floor. The gentle breeze from the river Indus and the chanting of mother Goddess always resounded within the palace.

Because of a huge production of barley and millet, as a token of appreciation, Avara was giving a gala New Year party to all his people. All his people were filled with excitement. They were all thinking what they would wear. Avara also called for his most graceful dancer to dance and for an interview. The dancer appeared into the palace. Avara asked, “What’s your name?” The dancer boldly replied, “My name is Indra. My dream is to go to Rome and show off my talents.” “No, you will never dance!” Avara told her harshly. Indra went home sadly. After she entered her house, she realised she had been robbed! All her jewellery was gone!

The following day, she started to clean the granary. When she was cleaning the vessel of barley, she discovered her jewellery was inside. She had an idea. She thought of giving her jewellery in return for a boat. The next day, she went to the carpenter and discussed her the deal. The carpenter agreed and started working on it.

After sometime when she went to visit the carpenter, her eyes couldn’t believe what stood in front of her. Her dream boat was a reality now! The carpenter was giving the ‘finishing’ touches to Indra’s dream boat which she rightly named ‘The Dream Sail’. Her thumping heartbeat was driving her to quickly reach out to her crew of trustworthy sailors. Her sailors were none other than her company of good old friends of Ballakot with whom she grew up with.
As the hours flew by, Indra’s Dream Sail set along the great, rippling, vibrant ocean. “ROME! Here I come,” was what Indra shouted with joy of the unexplored and unknown...