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Watch Out Sid
by Sohaib - 5

Ch1: SID

“Wake up! Wake up Harry!” shouted his mom.Your getting late for school! Its 8:10, you have 5 minutes left! Harry was all curled up in his sheets.“But…” “No buts! Or else no ice creams!” She interrupted. “Okay mom”, he said. He didn’t want to go to school because of Sid.

Sid was the class bully. He was very mean to Harry and his friends. They all were in 5th Grade. He stole their lunches and beat them if they didn’t bring what he liked. He also back answered teachers because he didn’t want anyone to go against him. The difference between Sid and a normal bully was that a bully gives mercy at times but Sid didn’t.


Today was the worst day of his life! Just when he got onto the bus, he realized that today was his turn to give Sid his lunch and he didn’t bring anything that Sid liked, plus Sid told everyone just yesterday when Mike did the same thing that whoever repeats it would not only get beaten up,but would also have to do Sid’s homework!
This was what he hated about school. You get detention if you don’t do homework, and get beaten up if you don’t bring what Sid liked. The bus already started moving. There was no turning back now. Harry’s school was huge. It had a hall at the centre and corridors connecting to it. The day went by.It was English class, 1 period away from lunch, when Sid gave a glare to Harry.


At lunch, Sid did exactly what he said; he beat him up and made him do Sid’s homework. How worse can it get? He thought. But that was not it. Harry totally forgot to do Math homework.
“Where’s your homework?” asked the teacher. “My dog ate it,” he said. “Oh, come on. That’s the oldest excuse in the book,” she said. “My cat ripped it up!” he said. “That’s the second oldest excuse in the book of old excuses! Detention for one week!” she said.


“We’ve got to put a stop to this!” said Marvin. “Who agrees?” he asked. Mike, Jim and Jake all raised their hands. “He tripped me over!” said Mike. “He stole my lunch!” said Jim. “He made me do his homework!” said Jake.
“How about we trip him over?”, asked Marvin. “No! We’ll dunk his head in water!” replied Jim. “Nah, we’ll hit him on the head”, said Mike. “What about throwing sand on him?”, said Jake. “How about clubbing them all?”, suggested Harry. “Great idea!” said everyone.


“So we’ll divide it into two phases”, said Harry.
Phase 1:
Mike hit Sid on the head using a tin which makes him trip over the rope Jim and Jake hold.
Phase 2:
Harry calls the cleaner saying the lockers are dirty, which makes him fall into the bucket of water. Marvin then finishes it by throwing sand on him. “We’ll do it tomorrow at first period in the large hall so that everyone can see!”,said Marvin. “OK! “, said everyone else.


Harry waited all night. When the morning finally came, he jumped out of bed, got dressed and ran to the bus. “Bye mom,” he said as he went. He looks pretty happy today, thought his mom.
At school, everyone hid and took their positions waiting for Sid. It went just like they planned. Sid looked like a brown hen without feathers after being hit on the head, tripping over a rope, being dunked into a bucket of water and getting covered in sand. Everyone cheered for them. Sid never bullied anyone after that experience.